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My husband's Brother

Chapter 6 Nothing will change!

Word Count: 995    |    Released on: 26/04/2023

, one of the membe

incredible information she had heard. “And

up to member to decide whether he/she w

op laughing. “I

you to do what you do not want to do. If a member tries to force you, he will be thrown out from the land and his membership will be canceled. Not only

et out a sigh and pointed to the container of condoms

d softly.

sigh of relie

ured to the door. “Ha

ent out. She was stopped when someone blocked her way i

at her. “I am Cecilio,

her eyebrow

ve you to y

. “How did you know I w

o where the cabin key

and she wouldn’t be able to see Otilia, who was their tour guide. Might as well accept the help of this stra

he just followed until

.” Ceci

hopped in. When she was properly s

They were groping each other, for heaven’s sake! And the ha

ere on the land.” He said. “That’s normal here. This

“I guess I won’

at what she said and

re, but she couldn’t help admiring the palm trees, the lush green mountain

island that she h

t not big either. It looked simple from the outside. It’s made of hardwood with a veranda overl

She asked Cecil

f her golf cart. “Ha

aback. “You

ly as if her re

ow me?” She asked

g.” He winked at her

rm shook, and she took the golf cart’s ignition ke

om the outside, but ins

a shape of a sexy naked woman, a personal refrigerator, a telephone, a study table, a closet, and a bathroom with complete amenitie

tment when she saw a hug

n and took off all the body coverings b

caped her lips. Now, th

. His face darkened even more when he saw Cec

what he was about to say, “I just want to inform y

im with sharp eyes. “And don’t you fucking deny it. I know

lips rose. “I’m no

“Why the hell did y

ed away from him. “That invitat

o control himself. “I s

him. “Go on. Punch me. Nothing will change. She w

fist and punch

g will change. But it still fee

little blood from his cracked lip.

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