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The Untold

Chapter 2 Crashed

Word Count: 621    |    Released on: 25/05/2023

er did she pick me up or even made lunch, daddy had to get us a bunch of snacks and candies to keep my stomach filled befo

even be absent, so he told her he was not happy with how things were going and gave mommy two alternatives; either she got a nanny for us or she plans herse

say a word because at least he wa

ould pass by and she wouldn’t even remember. Daddy on the other hand, tried his best and that kept us happy. My dad and I became so close that, he would sleep in my bed with me

knew the man she married, yet she went to the extend of reporting the issue to my grandparents from both sides and to the police. I was asked to come to court and I did, but my testimony didn’t count as my mom insisted t

when my mom came to court with my sister, daddy said my sister had loss a lot of weight and she was looking skinny and always crying to come to him but mo

ddy left that morning and never came back. I was just 8 and I had not only lost a family, a sister, but also my father, the man who took care of me al

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