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The Untold

Chapter 4 My Innocence (part 2)

Word Count: 814    |    Released on: 14/06/2023

ted me, but could she be this heartless? Could she end the life of an innocent child? Is this the last day i see Janice? Is this my last birthday? Will I finally be with

hands on my exposed thighs which brought shivers down my spine and brought

it?” sh

lready so far from home and driving into a big mansion. It was a big house painted blue and had a big gate Painted black. I quickly forgot about the

to come out. I didn’t hesitate because I w

nterrupted my thoughts and I

t is very big

eld me by the sh

he used to touch you. You remember liking it so much Abi? Mr Kingsley will do the same for you. You will like it so much. He will give us plenty money after so your sister w

wanted from me, I was willing to do everything for my sister, as I thought it meant living in

and straight and needed help walking, which was provided by a young man of about 25. He welcomed us and took me inside. About 1hour later, I came back outside and joined mom in the car cryin

e knew that, but I couldn’t stop crying enough to have a taste so we just got all takeaway and we drove home. I was silent through out that ride and felt sick just thinking about what Mr Kingsley did to me inside that house. I couldn’t hold back the tears that ran down my cheeks. We got home and my sister wanted to talk abou

n they turned 16 or for the good girls, 18. I had los

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