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Chapter 7 The two princess and the poor boy

Word Count: 2121    |    Released on: 04/07/2023

incesses and

er sister, Princess Eliza, was kind, gentle, and generous. She loved to help the poor and the needy, and always had a smile on her face. Th

nobles from other lands to come and court his daughters. The princesses were excited, but for different reasons. Eliza hoped to

was an orphan who had grown up on the streets, and had worked hard to earn a living as a musician. He played the lute beautifully, and sang song

uitors, who wore fine clothes and jewels, and rode on horses and carriages. He walked confidently into the

from the city. I have come to ask for your

at his daughters, who had very different reactions. Eliza was intrigued by Leo's

hters do you wish to

s in her eyes, and the grace in her movements. He also sensed that she was not intereste

rt Princess El

r Eliza, but you will have to compete with the other suitors. Y

eo said. "I am ready to do what

s would measure their skills, intelligence, courage, and character. The winner of each test would receive a r

ir horses, and waited for the signal to start. Leo did not have a horse of his own, so he borrowed one from a st

uitors raced ahead of Leo, who lagged behind them. Th

an barely keep up!

e up! He has no cha

words of encouragement to it, and stroked its mane. He

end," he said. "

ster than it ever had before, passing by some of the o

s Prince Raul from a neighboring kingdom. He was ridi

ay!" Prince Raul

him aside with hi

dged him s

Leo shou

is horse t

vertook Pr

the finish

on th

d cheere

ing appla

unted hi

towards Pri

ng a red rose

iled a

ed him t



ere am

u, Prince


ok th

ssed h

spark be

o did

into each

t a con

o had come second in the race. She did not care for him, but she wanted to spite her sister. She hated Le

ince Raul, and wh

our victory. He does not deserve to be h

ul nodded

. He must be cheating somehow.

d wickedly

n to make sure he d

r of the hall, where t

dles posed by the king. The riddles were difficult and tricky, but Leo was clever and quick-witted.

st rid

t belongs to you, but

or a moment,

r na


done, Leo. You have w

Eliza to give

d so g

him a hug

happy a

ged he


and Raul were watching the

ge Leo's performance by

not liste

t he was smarter

had to try s

or their chan

to duel each other with swords. The winner of each duel would advance to the next round, unt

basic moves from a guard who had befriended him. He pract

sword fighting. He attacked Leo with swift and powerful strokes, but Leo managed to dodge and parry them. He used his agility

d cheere

a clappe

to his

d him for

n to the n

aced anoth

ted his


o win every du

ached the f

ced his las

ce R

also won every

by fai

ated in ev

y tricks and

bed some o

im in his

njured some o

t they could

about honor or

winning a



lthy rat. This time I wil

ed at hi


ay have cheated your way here, but yo

sed thei

for the sig

nal was

harged at

d their swo

n a fier

ed Leo with all hi

imself with all hi

ged blows a

eachHere is the rest of the



ht for a

re both tired

a cut on

ul had a brui

e evenly

could gain t

sed for

ed at ea

t move would decide th

d their rema

pared t

ged at e

swords met

as a lo

flew from

th felt

ped thei

ed at the

they were h

ked at e

at they we

the king and

at they we

d that it wa

laced their swor

ses hidden

his to test t

ach them

id to

you are brave and strong, but also that you are willing to stop fighting when there is no

Eliza and Lila t


im a rose

aid t

You are the one

aid t

iza. You are the on

gged ea

iled h

slowly to

a rose and

aid t

after all, Prince Raul. You

aul said

either, Princess Lila. You a


wned un

not love

y had n

ed that he had m

double wedding for his da

ryone to celeb

wish th



liza were

ward to their

and Lila wer

their futu

that they had

lost their chance

they had learned th

live with the consequ



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