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Chapter 8 The curse of the rose

Word Count: 1529    |    Released on: 04/07/2023

wrote for you. I h


se of t

tiful, kind, smart and generous, but she had one flaw: she was extremely proud and vain. She loved to admire herself in the mirror, and

incess, saying that she had a gift for her. The guards let her in, thinking that she was harmless. The

ou these roses, as a token of my admiration. They are the most beautif

vely, but they were nothing compared to her own beauty. She also noticed th

n flowers," Rosalind said coldly. "You may take them back,

She realized that the princess was not

s are not common; they are magical. They have the power to grant any wish you m

ic, nor did she care about wishes. She had everything

e in such fairy tales. And I do not regret anything I say or do

he princess was beyond reason and hope. She decide

cal; they are also cursed. If you do not accept them with gratitude and humility, they will turn against you. T

words. She thought that she was tryi

o power over me. I am the most beautiful and happy

hrew the basket of roses at Rosalind

e felt a sharp sting as their thorns pierced her skin, drawing b

ut they gasped in horror when t

roses' thorns. Her skin was pale and blotchy, her eyes we

ed like

or, hoping that it

t was

on in the mirror, an



her room, avoiding everyone who saw her. She hated her

uld love her for who she w

on. The neighboring kingdom was hosting a grand ball, in honor of their pri

er up. They also hoped that she might catch the eye of the princ

ridicule and pity of the other guests. She did not

room, crying and

d other pla

w. She got up and opened it, and saw a beautiful white horse standing o

d at her

from the kingdom of Valeria. I have come to i

the prince had found her, or why he had chosen her. Sh


you? Don't you see how I look?

shook his h

ady. I care about your heart. And I know t

out his han

to the ball. I promise you that

en she felt a strange pull in her chest

ed to tak

e's hand and climb

s arms around

y lady. We have a

e and they galloped


Rosalind into the hall, where hundreds of people were gathered. Th

ace, and they whisper

e was, and why the p

aying a cruel joke on her,

care about them. He onl

her hand

y do not matter. You are the mo

er of the floor, where

to her

ave this

odded shyl


se to him and the

effortlessly, as if they h

eyes, and they felt a connecti

t happy

about ever

ell in


uickly, and soon i

nd back to his horse, and


night, my lady. You have made me

miled soft

my lord. You have made me feel thi

ifted his ma

ng I must tell you. I love you


, Alexander. Wi

own and kissed her

something ma

them, and they felt a

se was

from its scars, and she

did no

the prince's ki

kiss and looked

and hugged

they had found

ved happily



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