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The Legendary Shadow Swordsman

Chapter 5 Beyond The Midgards (3)

Word Count: 991    |    Released on: 10/07/2023

d cautiously approached that corridor. He knew well that goblins were fo

d threw some stones into both corridors

itting the area surrounded by skulls. This further strength

" Siegfried whispered, approachi

on of the goblins and make them approach. Continuing to explore the c

t bound to the walls, and their mouths gagged. Some wounds we

ed for his help. Siegfried felt perplexed, but without hes

you don't want to end up like us," one pe

ulfed in silence. Suddenly, a blade attempted to pierce his abdomen. For

ently tried to penetrate Siegfried's protective armor. Despite this, Siegfried only looked on with a

, but the blade eventually snapped. Quickly, Siegfried swung his sword

armor, yet it still tries to stab..." Siegfried murmured, filled with admiration fo

arting to appear as well. There were five additional goblins with knives in their hands. Siegfried

ated attack. Despite the narrow and dimly lit space, the goblins moved agilely. Yet, with Siegfried's sharp vision in the darkness and his swiftness, he easily evade

t be able to defeat the strong without proper strategy and su

encountering any significant difficulty. To them, Siegfried was like a shining hero. Siegfried collected the weapons of the goblins and stored them in his inventory. He didn't think too seriously about it at that moment, as his mind was focused solely on finding a way

ssion had become chaotic. Initially, they had only planned to hunt goblins, but now the

ath, yet Siegfried easily dispatched them alone. As they were nearing the exit, a goblin appea

smile mixed with fear upon seeing the presence of the goblin. "But compared to meet

tor and wielded a sword in its hand. Its body was larger than t

cave entrance. Siegfried hurriedly rushed there and protected the doorway, giving the others a chance to escape. He noticed th

or these victims..." Siegfried mused, his enthusiasm burning t

make a move, Siegfried threw the daggers, impaling most of the goblins present. He didn't stop there, Sie

e to deal with t

lance. He realized that the level and power of this goblin were stil

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