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The Legendary Shadow Swordsman

Chapter 6 Demonicat

Word Count: 1321    |    Released on: 10/07/2023

. Without giving up, Siegfrieds swiftly prepared his weapon

They awaited their opponent to make the

gfrieds, trying to provoke emotions within the

This irritated Siegfrieds slightly. Without hesitation, he swiftly threw a barrage

ds's dagger attacks, but the speed and strength of the s

d his sword. He spotted a few opportunities to str

!" shouted

em. Despite the pitch-black environment,

ve, so it didn't stop him from evading the attacks. Unfortunately, Siegfrieds's

a temporary 25% increase in strength. He believ

the air. Siegfrieds's stealthy attacks were

uh... But it seems humans aren't as stron

pecially when you're about to die i

ing, you

ess. Some of his strikes nearly hit Siegfrieds if he

s attacks, even though this Demonicat was much we

capable of destroying the Skull Demonicat..." pondered Siegfried

sionally attacked the Demonicat up close. After a while, Siegfrieds ran

me for a dire

oundings brightened again. Siegfrieds swiftly slid forward, laun

ally, one thrust hit the Demonicat. With just one stab, the Demo

Siegfrieds, who con

lose his composure and unleash his overflowing emotions

scaping from the cave. When they saw the Demonicats around them, they were reminded of their bitter experiences

evident in their gazes. They tightly gripped their swords

eathed his sword and swiftly slit the Demonicat's throa

aw someone mutilating the Demonicat's body, he fe

your underlings..." said S

nsecutive attacks on the Demonicat. Occasionally, he retr

ovements remained nimble as before, which amazed Siegfr

lose proximity. The disparity in attack strength between the daggers and the sword was e

at the Demonicat standing before him. "However, one swo

ull out the sword embedded in his abdomen. Occasionally, Siegfrieds swung

precision and without hesitation. The Demonicat collapsed instan

e by one, seeking revenge. Siegfrieds watched expressionless since this matter wasn't his c

ous sound was heard from the forest. Siegfrieds and the victims quic

rsening the situation. Siegfrieds could only gaze anxiously at all the Demon

in numbers," said

e victims with fervor. "We've endured this lon

determination. He felt responsible for protecti

together!" declared Siegfr

ttle. Siegfrieds looked at them with hope, reminding

nary speed and strength, crushing the Demonicats one by one. He carefully

d Siegfrieds to the vi

t. They fought fiercely, seeking revenge ag

ned strength and spirit of Siegfrieds and the victims gave them the advantag

ly, with a final deadly strike, Siegfrieds defeated the most dangerous Demonicat l

also felt the weight of exhaustion. They stood amidst a battlef

f the female victims said, bowing her

t my duty as a knight. But all of you are the true

across their faces. Together, they had overcome fear and trau

not end here. Siegfrieds, along with the victims, continued their journe

scovered the power of unity, and together, they were read

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