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Howl of the rejected

Chapter 3 New leader

Word Count: 1112    |    Released on: 17/07/2023


from my chest to my hips. He ran his h

indow as I let the tears flow down my eyes slowly. “

hs and pinned me down to the bed.

u are useless” he replied as he slid his down his hands down to my waist. I fo

s and I nod my head hoping he wouldn’t

d slowly sent his two

elped out

neck and began trailing kisses around my neck while

what he is doing, instead,

would be doing something like this to me. Isn’t

en increase in pace. Cade fingers kept d

top me from crying out loud. His

d say anything. A smile appeared on his face and it

onight” he smirks and g

rained kisses on me roughly and squ

t for his birthday to come so he would be with his mate an

my ass could be before him. My trousers were forcef

e such beauty?” he growled

air, “I would just have a little f*ck time with you” h

he door, my heart hasn’t stopped poundin

e you” I hear someone say. Cade groa

ly got over me and left my room. I pulled the duvet immediat

d I ever do a

o such a wicked world” I cried out


a Ca

the pack. My father had said he would be handing power over to me today

the loud music playing loudly downstai

vin and Alex waiting for me outside my room. These two are the closest to me in the pack, Kevin is a d

their mates, even if not many, few would. “Yo! E

ex said as he pulled me to a hug. Kevin did the s

my way there and stood next to my

ing where the pack had gathered. Alpha Grayson, my father stood tall with pierci

g. “As many of you know, I have led our pack for so many years. Bu

s, some nodding in agreement while

self worthy of becoming the next Alpha of our pack


en w

ally cunning. He had been deceiving his father all alo

ing with pride. He had trained his entire life for this moment, a

o find a mate but I know it won’t be possibl

and leadership over the years,” Ca

ons and values of our pack, and

and howls of approval, thei

ir werewolf forms and some

ward and nuzzled his son,

s my son,” Alph

is now you

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