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Howl of the rejected

Chapter 6 Someone different

Word Count: 1001    |    Released on: 09/09/2023


he Lycan standing in front of me was as breathtakingly handsome as I had always envisi

embling with unease. "What are you doing here?

oping to defuse the tense atmosphere. His scoffing response only deepened my anxiety. "

It was as if every survival instinct within me screamed to escape from his formidable presence. Ho

y courage. "I apologize if I've intruded, but

but wonder if he harbored any intentions of pouncing on me like some wild beast. Suppressing

?" he snapped, his voice growing harsher. "Young lady, you are in

y, but before I could take a step, he swiftly moved towards me, blocking my path. With a forceful grip on

ds. It seemed that he possessed emotions like any responsible person would. Slowly, he released his grip, taking a step

ised my head to meet his eyes and replied, "I... I can't go back. If I do

us for you here," he conceded. Rolling my eyes, I retorted, "Oh, so I should go back and be considered what? A killer? Do you have any idea

couldn't hold back my anger any longer. "No, you didn't! You only added fuel to the fire!" I cri

ut let me tell you, Cade is not human. He has no human feelings, and he will never agree to it. He hates me, and you should hate me too. So why

seeking sympathy from you either. I just can't go back after what you did. He will never believe me, and Cade i

I'm the one who should be sorry. And you know what? You're right." Wiping away my tears, I gathered myself and stood up

fless creature like me?" I began to walk away, dragging my feet slowl

of amusement. "Yes, duh! Go ahead and hate me, abuse me like everyone else does. I'm used to it already. It's not

I wanted to gauge his reaction. Would he mock me or offer some kind of sympathy? When

nce. He shook his head gently and replied, "No, it's not. Not at

re of how to react. It seemed he saw beyond the surface,

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