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Stoneheart - The Darkness Unveiled

Chapter 2 AnUnpleasant Encounter

Word Count: 2998    |    Released on: 23/07/2023

each locked door she encountered only fueled her curiosity. The dimly lit hallway seemed to stretch on endlessly, lined with mysterious portraits and intricate tapestri

doors, hoping to find clues hidden in the intricate patterns and designs. Her heart raced with anticipa

than the last. She marveled at the artifacts, wondering about their origins and the purpose they served in this seemingly timeless p

that gnawed at her. Blaire felt a growing sense of unease, as if she were stepping deeper into t

ould unlock the truth. Her hands, paler than their usual chocolate tone, were as white knuckled as they get. Th

e surprise of his sudden appearance caught her off guard, and she quickly tried to mask her emotions, hiding her brooch once more. She

gentle throb of her increasing pulse. He could sense it. Smell it. The warmth, the life within her. The essence of a soul coursing through her veins. Thro

ct white teeth as he did. "We both

tterly. He k

ld. Alexei was the son of Vlad Volkov, a Russian Businessman and Entrepeneur. He was known for being ruthless in his business negotiations. The Volkov Group was well-

rds, wrapped around them so gently. He aligned his gaze with hers again, "Blaire Kingston. You're twenty fi

e me confused with someone else." She tried and comported herself quickly. She moved to go, but his hand, an

could feel his unnaturally cold touch against her warm skin. His eyes bore into hers, as if searching for any sign of deception or we

re you don't belong." His voice was a low, dangerous purr, and she could feel the intensity of his gaze on her. "But I have to admit, there's something intriguing ab

efiance over being held there. Lifting her chin she said nothing, and he still held to her w

rrowed eyes, slits of vision, she sneered, no

bit eager and careless. And, I've discovered just now, and well felt I had to inform y

nce. Pressing them back into a thin

t's Gala? Because of Jared, you followed Jared he

n the wall beside her face. He leaned in further and whispered, "And unf

ter those words reached her ears, she heard the approach of g

per, knowing that she was completely at the mercy of Alexei and his vampire companions. The walls seemed to close in a

oom," he said mockingly, as the guards' footsteps drew nearer. "Don't worry, my dear, I won't

advantage. Her chances of overpowering the guards and Alexei were slim to none. Her b

and they raised questioning eyebrows. Alexei stepped back, giving Blaire

Volkov?" one of the guards a

ng facade on full display. "I was just showing ou

Looks like she stumbled upon the wro

"It's a beautiful estate you have here. I must have gotten carried

Blaire alone with Alexei once again. Her heart was still pounding, an

labyrinthine corridors. They took a longer, more circuitous route back

ous. "You have stumbled in at the worst time. For what I suspect will

o you mean? Houses?" She

societies with their own hierarchies, rules, and territories. I don't have time to explain it all now. But know this, most Houses have coexisted peacefully, f

. Everywhere they turned there seemed to be more patrols. He tried to find another exit and then sighed

and all, rearranged itself before them. She stood, in shock, muted aga

ere the Gala was. There they stood, secure, behind a thick pane of glass, they could observe the attendees without being noticed. The water from the feature cast u

would-be captor, this beast of a man before her. She glared at

ly unfazed by her accusation. "Call me what you will, but I assure you, I'm still more human than you migh

he studied him. He was captivating, despite the danger he represente

ere? Are they monsters too?" she ask

ngs to my family, they are using it for their propaganda. But I've seen peopl

her eyes narrowing in a

ces I had not seen in a very long time. It seems that there is going to be a

re asked, her curiosity o

should rule over humans, not hide among them. They've grown tired of living in secrecy

ts dimmed in the gala hall. Alexi moved and covered her ears, and she startled but stood there. It was a lot to take in,

paused, his voice muted and she mostly read his lips,“I know a

e what I want?” His candor and directness made her retreat a fe

to whisper in her ear, holding her other closed, "Listen, just listen. I know humans, and humanity well. You think you have nothing left to lose, but you're wrong. You will not like thi

hidden sanctuary beneath the water was becoming pink, and streaked red. Beneath his words she heard the sound of the singing drift hazy notes

rved as a macabre canvas, painting a horrifying scene beyond its translucent barrier. Through the distorted colors, she could make out obscur

romised elegance and celebration had turned into a nightmarish banquet of blood and terror. Blaire's mind struggled to comprehend th

orrifying scene, but a morbid curiosity kept her eyes fixated on the glass. The muffled sounds of agony and despair reached her ears, gnawing at her san

n the silence trying to brush them away. The fire in her core grew, f

rise, she shook her head. He held her there against the coldness of his body and hummed a bit to try to keep the sounds of muted chaos at bay. He started talking softly again, “The plans are already in

to focus on anything else, anything other than the chaos unfolding just inches away, beyond the glass. She strained to listen, and through the chaos, she c

dful truth. Marty Schultz, the charismatic politician, was being promised the world by these monstrous vampires. Their delight in his vulnerabilit

The singing long having been silenced. Blaire's emotions churned, her stomach knotting with a nauseating mix of fear, anger, and resolve

The magnitude of the truth she had learned overwhelmed her, and she collapsed against Ale

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