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Stoneheart - The Darkness Unveiled

Chapter 8 Meeting the Hunters

Word Count: 2739    |    Released on: 29/07/2023

t and dimly lit, the walls adorned with various weapons and training equipment. The air was charged with energy as the hunters engaged in inte

matched by Sophia's agile and acrobatic style. The two hunters seemed like a dance of death, each anticipating the other's moves w

His headphones were in, blocking out the world around him as he immersed himself in his workout. H

i's stoic expression gave away little of his emotions, while Rik's playful grin hinted at his competitive spirit. T

ed their sparring, and Sophia gave a small nod of acknowledgment to the new recruit. Natalia, on th

the leader of this special team." Alexei said with a faint

v Group, Isabella. I trust you will prove yourself worthy of being here." Her

in Natalia's demeanor. "Thank you," Isabella replied, maintai

ize. She was tall and built strong. If Sophia hadn’t been continually putting effort in being approachable, Isabella would have been intim

iness and returned the smile. "Nice to meet you, So

is friendly expression contrasted with the intensity of the training room, likewise his piercings

hand. She couldn't help but feel a sense of comf

ined, and Rik's playful grin had transformed into a more focused demeanor. They both nodded to Isab

e to the group. We train hard

f you don’t mind." he glanced aside and Isabella blinked unsure. She nodded, and he wandered over to th

stronger than Isabella, even covered in sweat and his tank top clinging t

ade a few last adjustments. The centermost mat illuminated, and the

to his chin, gesturing for her to take the first shot. His playful challenge ignited a spark of anger wit

owerful punch aimed at James' chin. She was not a trained fighter but kept her health in check. To her surprise, he didn't

rk. "Not bad," he said, genuinely impressed

nd, let alone catch James off guard. It gave her a surge of confidence, and she realized that she didn't need to ma

on the other hand, couldn't help but cheer Isabella on quietly. Li and Rik w

s, and Isabella did her best to defend herself. She relied on her resourcefulness, using the environment to her advantage, ducking and rolling to evade James'

offensive weapon. She blocked James' strikes with the barbell, using it to parry and redirect his attacks

on. "You're a quick learner." He stepped wide and then instead of engaging in any further physical fight, he crossed his hands

the barbell. Sh

stretched mouth in a gruesome yawn. The tips of his ears, nose, and fingers started turning pallid, then grey. He screamed this smok

lothes. She felt the primal fear that was meant to be invoked and it parted from her and flowed around her li

he's a stoneheart!" He rec

ut to her surprise, they seemed to part around her as if repelled by an unseen force. Her fear was palpable, but she refused to let it consume her. S

cting her from James' magical assault. The revelation both startled and intrigued her. She had heard

ay. He looked genuinely surprised but also relieved. "Wow, Isabella. You real

e scrutiny of Isabella. Sophia's eyes sparkled with wonder and excitement at witnessing suc

ething special about you," he said, his voice gentle but authoritative. "I

It seemed to satisfy him and he nodded, “That… will be u

supernatural abilities so soon, and it left her feeling both exhilarated and overwhelmed. Sh

ged with a hint of challenge. "Impressive, Isabella," she said, her voice neutral but with an underlying edge directed at Sophia "I sure hope i

ng her response. "I know that, Natalia," she replied firmly. "Thank y

focus on our training, and remember, we are a team. Each of

ve members of the team as Isabella stood there, unsure what to do in the meantime. She glanced at the equipment, old and new. A strange

approached, grinning with

, Isabella greeted him,

d you're here. I've been with the Volkov Group for fiv

ing special, or earned the ability, it just happened when she was in danger it seemed.

hat the intense training did his physique favors. Edged, cut, yet still his features maintained a j

ite unit.” He explained wit

nting from television, books, and internet searches. This … this is no

some sort of ability. You and I are Stonehearts.” He explained then nodded to James, “As you saw, he's a warlock

la scanned and glanced at Li Wei

ness. His family is all former church. One church or another.” he s

r's side is all from the Jesuits. Practically a Catholic demon hunter, and his mother is a devout Taoist.” Rik offered a shrug and murmured, “Well, Li kno

noted Natalia’s watching her chat with Alexe

a long line of hunters that have worked with the House of Domovoi for abo

on. Glancing aside at Rik he offered another shrug. She knew he was at least p

, patting Isabella on the arm, "

, hearing Natalia's sweet voice call aft

reappeared, quite suddenly in a blurr. He was gazing at his tablet, smugly looking down those fake, pretent

xei, "And so we have confirmation that they are planning another mass inducti

h, so pristine and white before, took on a jagged, needled appearance. The lovely features of his face in the moment contorted, the skin pulled bac

k and fiddled more as they wal

use of Strix. That's in Greece." Alexei said with a nod,

topped outside the elevator. "Yes, one of the islands, it is be

o Claude, “A music festival where peopl

“Burning Man, Woo

red Claude, “Regardless, we need to

he elevator. She blinked, and Claude was gone. Isabella stood there, not sure what to say. S

"No. I need you to me

nged. She stepped inside and there

nformed her, "V

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