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Divorced Barren Mother Gave Birth To Triplets

Chapter 2 Walking Away From Pain

Word Count: 1201    |    Released on: 14/09/2023

lly replying, "I went to save sister-in-law Anamika -" she was not done talk

eeded saving?" Harvey s

the night with a man in a hotel room! A gigolo for that matter! How dare you open your mouth and mak

she couldn't take it all in as she caught sight of the photos, making the blood drain from

I denied you access to the family bank account? How can I, Harv

ss barren? How has it gotten to

ho had earlier be quiet finally spoke, as she spoke she stood up and

is not worth your

m Honey? It was clear that the relatio

ailed her, she tried to open her mouth to

ith a crying voice as tears b

enveloped with a thund

on turning back brought out the divorce p

eeling intensified ten fold, "Divorce papers?" She blurte

d she walked over to Diana and nagged at her pretentiously, "Diana, how do you want us to face

fell, what did she mean by that? She had

aid even as her heart sunk int

ace ever again!" Harvey glowered at Diana maliciously as

se! I can't stand to have you under my r

sely aborting my son's babie

y clubhouse just for some penny! Who knows if she has contracted a deadly vi

se landing watching the scene play out. She was leaning

would be divorced and thrown out and s

ably, she couldn't help but feel a chill in her heart. She raised her head

tears drenched it bit by bit. She rose to her

top of that, she got home and met her husband, Harvey cuddling her old lover, in addition he gave her divorce papers

andchild, thus she had a reason. But Anami

cured to her that Harvey's relationsh

the front yard, Anamika walked up to her and offered to help he

did to you?" Diana demand

lost for all I care! And don't think of coming

tened her fist

the thin air as it drove farther and farther away. A smug smile o

protected, her best friend, Juliete jone

ed and halted in the front yard. Anamika was quite taken aback, no one in Delta City

oing in the S

d as such the five star general was the head and most p

d and four military officers armed in full got down from t

d the typical military body build. He was wearing a white suit

Anamika was shocked

s emotionless and blank cold eyes over

e asked, his voice was ste

ed she didn't do anything to upset the five sta

in horror and

06 at Diamond star h

ded in resp

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