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Divorced Barren Mother Gave Birth To Triplets

Chapter 4 Anamika's Car

Word Count: 1067    |    Released on: 14/09/2023

Military Base w

elves into neat rows according to their ranks, at the Delta city mi

rcrafts, not daring to take their obsequiously complimentary eye

along was a sense of hope. Many of the soldiers had managed to grasp

eir way down the second aircrafts stairs. They radiated war. Their body e

uit, but from the first military aircraft that had landed. They were all wom

thinks she was still inside any of the two military aircrafts that had landed. Th

te. This time around, he angrily left, with his adjutant general following him be

on the military aircraft, if she ha

iculate on what was happening. All the same, it didn't stopped th

they realized and confirmed Gener

y G-wagon, in the middle of a fleet of military pa

, Delta city military base entrance. Ob

raised..." General Derrick smirked as he figured ou

s targeting to eliminate her by bombing the airc

s the milita

tary sense sunk into his subconsciou

at his ward - The Fiv

later, General L

d up to him and reported General Laura was by the "big

k instructed without gi

e on, zoomed into the five star general's parking lot and halted, while the other G-wagons that mad

ot down, ten Delta City military off

, Genera

. She chuckled over the thoughts of being back in Delta City. A city she

ell into it. On top of that, she got home that day and found her husband, Harvey cuddling her old lover,

with nothing, completely angry and devastated, she left Delt

cted, she did a pregnancy test and confirmed she was pregnant with triplets. She worked as day-care

d the course of her military

lenched her fist in anger, not realizing she was holdi

m the pain she felt from

her senses, she rele

ily knelt and started straightenin

ers and the old trees planted in the vicinity. Back in school, they had learnt abo

e officers helped them

st parking lot, without arguing, he reversed the

. While she, herself, would be staying with the five star general si

personally re

ving henceforth?" John walked up to

back home" General Laura answered him sweetly with a cordi

ids walked over to the

Aventador zoomed i

s Anami

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