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Chapter 3 THREE

Word Count: 1720    |    Released on: 02/01/2024



oots!!!" Bir

hat bag also?!"

s NH premier products ar

handsome" Birdie muttered,chewing th

so expensive

re talking about,we both know they

't get anyone" She pou

tieth birthday" Hailey said and Birdie gave her a fro

o come,I clocked ninete

w" Hai

ie shouted and

ave money by then,but right now,I can't

TV,Noah appeared on the screen and her bre

e?" She muttered and Haile

him? After everything you tol

n why he's like that t

g when you find out a child is

child,I'm n

s age difference,wake up Birdie,even if he likes you,you think grandma wi

t and bit her li

e you going?"

see you tomorrow" Birdi

?" Hailey ask

s,Birdie stays on the third floor while Hailey sta

acing the table. She picked h


" Birdie mumbled

possible" She closed her diary and fell on the bed,she s



cting the securities at the

g?" One of them ask

ised the customized

have to deli


g,she came on her own to drop the strawberry milk she destroyed yes

yesterday,she made sure to dodge people walking and

et caught,finally the elevator stopped at the top floor and she came out,walking straight to Noah's of

the table,but then her eyes caught a glimpse of the mini freeze

it and made to go out when she suddenly heard some footsteps coming,her eyes widened and looked around,finding an escape route b

closet,different wardrobes were there,she opened one immediately and ent

d last night,I f**king told you I don't have time

tanding ther

you're keeping them waiting,should I do your job for you?

rgive me....." Noah hung up

he conference room ri

and immedia

o get water but then was quite surprise

k it anyway and uncapped one,

k more before dropping the bott

en everywhere became silent,she made to

g to open but couldn't. She was already feeling hot

Birdie said i



red the office with him. She walked out

down but stopped,he felt like changing his shirt,he walked into

t thing he saw was a human,her face

irdie raised her head,she was already weak

d?" Noa

Birdie called an

and run his finger

was sent to m

d up loosing the right place to put her leg,she almost fell but unconsciously and unknowingly,Noah caught her and th

h shouted tapping h


y k

n and Adam rushed in

hinking....hey spy kid!

he strange room made her jump down the

and opened the door slowly,she looked left to see if no one is coming,

m smiled at her an

it's you" She to

Adam asked and Birdi

uble again,why me" She gr

on the same day I guess" Ad

way,the moment she turned,she saw Noah walking with about f

" Birdie said,burying h

talking to the business men with him,Adam bowe

out now" Adam said and

a,you're the be

t free tho

e?" Birdie grinne

t mind"

ve money to give

d money eith


you should leave before

aid and immedi

e run?" Adam

pe to work with you even more in future"

ing with you to

ft the company. He was about turning back when he saw Birdie running out of the gate

n without saying anything. Viv

u have anything you would like to ad

can do the rest,I have s


uets I asked you to

r car" Vivi

Noah mu

taurant and saw Hailey sit

d her and she smiled

ey" Birdi

e morning,where are you c

ned and Hailey r


old you about,it was my fault yesterday ac

t's past 2pm already" Hai

d rushed to the

ager here?"

u. I told him you went on a delivery" O

ut i'm hungry right now" Birdie

those food enters,yo

e chu


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