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Chapter 5 FIVE

Word Count: 3320    |    Released on: 02/01/2024

over to meet Noah,she stood by the d

d then I have to follow Waylon

to me? Just go" Noah cut h

She mumble

,she met him just today" Noah scoffed,he was

rted ringing and he an

talking about?

o called him said,he hung up the call and

Waylon asked Birdie afte

die faced him and Wa

?" He asked and

n,that's why I gave hi


im so well?" H

r his favorite drink to the company

pointed out at a bui

right in front of it

e building,they entered and im

dn't have gotten this without yo

elcome" s

ou live?" W

o this place" Birdie rep

said and she smiled

arted the



st by the gate were some guards and a man in

oss" The g

,Noah's uncle who he Stayed with for few years and one of th

,dear nephew" Santia

oing here?" Noa


?!!" Noah yelled impatie

to calm

out where I live? How?"

him in?" He ask

s he's a f

that I have a family?! Do I!

o called and N

am going to do what I will

money for my business,I'm at the point of goin

last time I checked,I'm the onl


e because you have your own child to take care of,you should be able to take out of tho

....." Santiago ma

d and immediately the guard

do anything about it!! We are families!!!

the main building and the guards there ran

person in here without my permission,get re

rol no matter how he tries,reason why he doesn't like g

rted gulping without stopping,all he wanted that very moment was forget about what just ha

ack to the past but he just couldn't

e?? What the f**k does that have to do with

,back then he had one of the best results among his


K★10 YEA

ey Face,anyone would know that he was highly happy that ev

ny said and sixteen years old Noah stopped smiling immediately. Jenny hisse

room also and Noah greeted him,a

ay" Jenny said to her husban

ing happene

was sure too happy that he couldn

" Jenny snapped at him and he stopped,but an

ncle,I got admitted into Co

who's going to send you to college?" Jenny a


el,I have a wife and daughter also,my brother should have just waited and not die

is parents money,He's not even asking for anything,but at



uld remember vividly that night how he cried till daybreak. But he still waite

eighteen and still,no

n mean??" Noah pushed the bottles in the cellar away and



itation card in her hand,she have been invited to

is Noah....Waylon Ka

ckled and dropped the card,she turned back to see the

get his attention no matter what" She bite her lips ima

k" She

e wet,Crazily" She



ile in the elevator. Someone ordered for the s

ned toward Noah's office,she was still walking wh

'm here to giv

fake smile of yours" Vivian

s fo

't want to see you don't you get at all?" Vi

at Birdie one last tim

ps hard trying to

again now' she thought as she began walking back,sh

at her and Birdie al

? Are you okay

" Birdie

s are red" Adam said an

later Adam" Birdie muttered and

e boss did to her this time" Ada

t when the door opened and Vivian entered,

stead? What about

guess she doesn't want to com

oah mu

Sir,the one you were i

ng anniversary" Noah re

y too,we should go t

an't wait" She sai

mething else si

an go" No

nd walked out

was his unfinished business with his partner. He moved the bottles a



" Hailey said to Miles,He's her patient and sh

y,I really appreciate how you dedic

b sir" Hailey smiled and Miles rem

s my wedding anniversary,so you're among the few guests I

,I will make sure I'm there no m

ng your frie

sir,and congratulatio

Hailey" Miles sai

ey chuckled,looking at the expen



rdie said as they came out of the taxi,th

iley look

s before,it's really tight also and the shoes,

would look hot in it with her slim figure and she wasn't lying because right now Birdie is looking so hot,even without makeup,

be dressing like a child every time,you're n

t me this

red and Hailey smil

winked and th



reeted Miles and his wife,after a while,they

ck to join her

y Bambie" Hailey s

rom the wine an

She said and H

" One of Reagan fr

here" She replied,adjusting he

started hearing some mur

man please welcome o

d and everyone s

ith smiley face as the gu

go" Waylon


ple uncomfortable,

and simply

tting also in the VIP immediatel

aid,staring at Waylon who was smiling s


l and Vivian walked in toget

ame outfit looking smoking hot,Vivi

appoints when it

ion and Fashion

's so

n's dressings

is so

at me" Reagan

them till they


been working all day and very tired. She made way out of the restaurant to dispose the bottl

er so she would balance,Birdie looked up to

ed inwardly and immedi

okay?" Wa

reamed when she couldn'

asked and she n

eing a fan" W

Birdie said and

My g

ylon or is i

nue screaming,Way

aurant! We have a special s

d the regular o

more customer from co

" Waylon said

before she could move,two of the wait

d" Birdie muttered,

luential people,tha

ar" Axel said as Noah wa

He fac

wanted to try their meals,let's go" Axel sm

or you're dead"

t,stop that threat" Axel

rd me" Axel

him off an

compound,some minutes later,they arr



ut and Noah almost turned b

Axel whispered when Noah didn

range smile that al

come with me" the waitress s

elieve her eyes as she

today,we are not letting anyone i

Take the order" He ordered and B

down and Axel's ey

e said to Noah bu

not curious about this restauran

eady operating on his phone,he didn't

please place your or

hem and that was when Noah looked up,his eyes me

hing" Noah

" Axel

he finished serving Noah and Axel,she s

d unnecessarily

l? You know he

" Noah m


ld,stop that

now I love sexy àss,but she looks young,it's gon

thing sir?" Bird

me" Wayl

e" She

Waylon said an

milk for my

puppy?" Bi

t actually" W

nstead then,it's more healthy than

them before buying one" Way

where you can

ve th

ppy one day,I love do

" Waylon said and



o stay and finish up some work before goi

d and Vivian entered wh

want to be distu

insisted on seeing you" Vivian said and imm

He muttered ben

urprise look but Noah didn't see that. Vivia

here this tim

two bottles of strawberry milk o

ng me home last

as a pay back fo

payback also"

k again" She added with

this is a bribe" he sa

do you

ight again" Birdi

hat child's play now as


e it's late" Noah said and B

led and slowly walke

heartless" Birdie muttered as

topped beside he

lon smile


ylon immedi

rdie called

e milk ,wanna come a

irdie asked

e afterward,promise" Wayl

made a move when another car parked,sh

He said coldly and Birdie blind

ked at

ting for?" He ask

you coming or not

ecame sp


ian and Noah are dat


ted in full fe


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