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The Aplha King's Addiction

Chapter 2 The Good Deed

Word Count: 1319    |    Released on: 08/01/2024

s my old

lways want her to look, just to feel attractive to my taste and desire. It was like a

ffairs when I get a real job of my desire,

ay at the bartender job at hand pending till a better one comes. So, I got my ass off that damn bed and got ready for the day. S

death, I never lacked. She was always there to advise me on things to do, she just stands as an angel beyond mother figure me. I bobbed my head and straightened up, I got out of the bed and headed toward t

to wash up fast, I pulled the shower and let the water pour on me. I felt the impact of the water as it ran through my skin —it

mbled back into the room with

s, pay me and he fixed today for the payment. Read about the hotel online, oh my God! What a great place to work only if I am able to get this j

e. I realized the number of workers needed are few, most of which are hotel attendants. I squinted my large eyes and smiled, revealing

ion Dollars Hotel", I suddenly snapped out of oblivion as I remembered it with some giggle on my

rising nerves, but felt I should not see myself as a wench. Those people who work there aren't as good as me. If they can get a job there, what's stopping me? I have to aim higher. I mean

elieve in myself, and am good enough". Called my name and urged myself with my eyes and agreed to my decision with a smile; sauntered into the kitchen to get something for myself


things I like, the multi-million dollar hotel being the best in this town. One has to count millions of dollars before lodging in the hotel. And their workers are beautifully paid. I have my dreams I need to fulfill with this job, and I need to co

this house is not good, it's very awesome, but it's

sues and his wife insists that they move over to France. That's his problem though, I hope he solves it. I huffed and picked another piece from the plate. I finished with the food and sauntered into my closet, I g

ever I do. After I was done, my phone beeped and it was a text from Parker. I read out and smiled. Parker is waitin

otted a cat, it was the biggest, ugliest cat


I said to the

the top step, ef

porch. "Would you

other to lift its

ned its eyes to mere slits and

inned by a stone,

type, somebody should have traded you for a


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