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The Aplha King's Addiction

Chapter 9 Come Back

Word Count: 1028    |    Released on: 08/01/2024


y and the day has begun, lot and lots to do and achieve at the office, lots of trillion dollars contract to sign today, Hmmm-

nsive wine, a million dollar drink offered to her as a gift despite mentioning my name to her, “Damn it", I said to myself, " she killed my ego already, Don't she know me?, doesn't she know who I am, who the hell does she think she is, disrespecting me, snubbing me, and playing hard to get, no girl ever tell me No! I will go back to the club tonight

ng me tap them all harder waking all of them up angrily as one of girls wake and realising am there she started

their entitlement and get them out of my sight.Joe has a special VIP room for himself alone given to him by me because he arranges girls. Don is PIMP! I taught him this and he now does more lol. Entering inside the the shower and coming out, I still have like 50 minute


new work which I prayed for, it’s my first day at work in the trillion dollar hotel, Wow! I hurried to brush and shower, moved quickly to drying, applied cream on my body, and put on the blue gown I prepared for the day, applied my usual red lipstick- that’s the only red lipstick I have, so I always wear it mo

h, she is tall, brunette and caucasian, cute and fitting for the position of a receptionist as her office u

h the introduction before they interrupted me. "Hello Lizzy, how are you, been expecting you, and HR said I should direct you to his office as soon as you arrive, th

ike a long awaited parcel. I greeted the HR and he looked

VIP’s for the billionaire’s friend of the Boss and MOST ESPECIALLY the boss's penthouse because the penthouse is more important and not everyone enters there especially the boss and you too the cleaner and you are going to be in charge of

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