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Bad Boss; An Office Romance

Chapter 3 Giving into Temptation

Word Count: 3379    |    Released on: 13/01/2024

betrayed me, caving to the seduction and tasting the saltiness of his skin. The way his chest swelled from the contact o

together now. I’d always thought he was in great shape by looking at him, but being smashed against

was going to shove him away from me? I should have smacked him, but the ache

’re on the same page, Ms. Neely.” He took my hand that had been burned earlier and studie

ore words came out. My breath was stolen by his tongue plungin

ercely. The dominance of his mouth was equivalent with his personality. Bold, strong, and d

d at his rock of a chest. He gr

releasing my bite on his lip,

ng with desire as he stared at me. My outburst didn’t have an effect on him. It

me. He knew he was a dick, and didn’t give a shit

, keeping me in his office, putting his hands on me. That deliciously stubbled jaw scraped along my neck and against the shell of my ear, cau

f women whenever he wanted. Fury surpassed my aching need for release in my body, and I couldn’t hold back

ere my shoulder met my neck. I

grabbing the thick locks and yanking

t my grip to claim my mouth, but I kept

you're doing?” I hissed, dig

t. I thought I was gaining the upper hand, that he was going to stop

t in a rush, my hands still clinging to his hair as he lifted me onto the desk, knocking the laptop to the ground

riction. I shouldn’t have wanted him so badly, and I most definitely shouldn’t have given into the sensation, but the quick pulse bel

d snaked to my lower back, holding me in place. “Don’t pretend we don’t have the

his tongue traced a trail down my neck

I walk in the door, how your breathing quickens when your visi


th moved from my skin. “Get the fuck off of me,” I hissed. “I’ve never checked you out. I might stare at

uth was confessing my hatred toward his attitude, yet my bo

ve this smart mouth of yours.

tie, tugging

red. “This smart mouth has all kinds of tale

ts twitched into my core,

o bad, because my mouth is mor

off. With his ego, I’d assumed he’d curl away, tell me I’m ugly a

apex. My legs were frozen around him, unable to move from the gentle

body was craving him and on the verge of submitting. My ha

now playing with my panty line. No doubt he could feel


ween my lips. His smirk became wicked from feeling my dampened

h my dress. This was all so abrupt, so sudden. I couldn’t process a thoug

slid to my waist, stroking a peak

is hand firmly applied pressure against my chest, guiding me to lie on my back. His hand left

stiletto. I should have kicked him in the nuts, or sat up and slapped him. But no, instead I came up onto my elbows, anxious f

kept up with my r

mine. “You like to

o down on me, why I couldn’t take my look away from his

ink pussy of yours.” One finger slithered between my folds, moving sleekly from my excitement. “I’m

oulder. “And I’ll think of how

darting out to moisten his lips

d. Not a cha

rocess was agonizing, and my hips began to move, needing him to come

his chin. “You have

om me as two fingers sunk inside of me

rning all kinds of new charact

um of my voice was one of satisfacti

ingers at a steady pace. “You’ll have to be patient for my tong

for leverage. The way his palm was putting pressure on my

rim now, crooked perfectly to st

tching onto the back of his head,

coaxed, slowing

y breathing erratic. I was focused now, chasing the h

heat, the closeness to reach my peak and come crashing down in euphoria. If only we could be skin on sk

ady to utter sounds of

d, leaving the warmt

id out of breath.

his pants. The blues of his irises were as calm as a still lake on an e

him to be so blunt yet

had to be huge. Mindy and I had talked about it before. There would be days where his tailored suits would fit him ju

humb along the clasp. It was obvious he want

ame the pent-up sexual tension I a

lt, not bothering to yank it through the loops. The

. He watched my hands with intent, anxiously waiting for me

free him. He was thick and the longest I had ever seen in person. The smooth, silky f

ked. “I’ll

’d have a “bi

Spreading my legs and moving my hips, I aimed the tip of his cock to my heat. T

m planning on it, but you’ll

nough to slip the tip inside of me. Setting both his h

is teeth. “

do,” I grimaced, wigglin

t say p

k him, I could get off with this contact. My clit was being stim

ly in place. “I don’t remember t

at the new the angle. “Because you’r

ling my movement. “You’re rig

him, and he did

e air was sucked out

table to my front, raising me up on my kn

loud from t

and latched onto my hair, twisting it around his fist, gently pulling my hea

he going t

into him. “You

ue time,

too good inside of me. Besides, how would I

worth it and fuck him

enjoyed the movement as well by the steady sigh that brushed my ear. The tension from him pulling my

His strokes were precise; clearly, he was up for the c

id of my clothing completely, but that wouldn’t work out in the grand scheme of things. I’d need to make a quick getaway,

e. For a minute I thought he was going to smack them. T

ike that,” he groaned, b

, wanting him to shut the

The tug felt amazing, and I clenched hi

how men were. Get them going and they can’t control a damn thing. To hell with if he came before me, leaving me sexually frustrated and dripp

bring me to release. My legs quivered as I touched myself, lovin

earm, stroking mysel

s trailed along the back of my neck and to the shell of my ear. “Show me how you

and out that I originally didn’t want, now felt glorious. Slipping his hand under

ips and skilled fingers. He was surrounding me, his mouth traveling along my neck,

ew more strokes, and I was moaning into my forearm, squeezi

unted, beginning

with desire and pulsing from his precision and expertise. It was as if he’d worked my body over a million times, kno

ng, and my greedy pussy wanted to s

not from me, and sure as fuc

ed from underneath him, crawling on all fours to the other

is voice cracked, and I wished I had t

skirt and ran for the door, opening it fra

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