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Bad Boss; An Office Romance

Chapter 5 Oops, She did it Again

Word Count: 2844    |    Released on: 13/01/2024

thrilled than I was about my actions with Craft. Of course, she wanted more details, but I wasn’t ready to share. She didn’t need to know how massive his cock wa

en I could hear murmurs coming from Mr. Craft’s office. I

eally t

e want ads so I wouldn’t have to face him again. I felt empowered af

the law when he needed to. If one of his employee’s weren’t doing their part, he’d be blunt about his expectations, if they don’t deliver, then they’re gone. I admired his ability to take charge like an executive shou

y way as he found the exit to the stairs. It was unlike him to be flustered. Timothy was easy go

could turn anyone’

ticipation. No doubt he was standing in the doorway, his glacier stare raking me over

to look his way and smile, let him know I was pe

ve an excuse to not give him attention. Keeping my

ok at him? I wasn’t ready for that. Finally, he spoke


rate de

in my shock. Timothy never did any

ue yesterday morning. He didn’t bring

to me this morning about the pa

“I didn’t know yo

t I do enter the infor

om, and I couldn’t help but wince. He rarely lo

ou can’t read them until I

when someone does

write him up because he w

nto my office?” Obviously not for the same reason he asked me to come into his office.

and slammed the door, causing me to jump. Damn, I re

edgy because of me. I finall

, finding it absurd that he was writing Timothy up for something so petty. The paperwork would be

office door, knocking without worry of him yelling

ed my nostrils. He must have reapplied it, because the scent was stronger than earlier this morning. I closed my eyes

d something?

ing, but was stuck in place by his harsh stare. He lifted his

ut the write-up fo

he anxious? Did he think I was handing him something else? I


e the door. I stayed in place, unsure what to do next. He didn’t summon me to come inside, yet he didn’t slam the door in my face either. The air was too th

wn my spine while I

taring at it all afternoon,” Craft mumbled u

idn’t know what the hell I was doing by running out on him. I could hear Mindy scolding me f

s mailbox,” I said, needing to change the subject. We weren’

er the paper. “He’

e the threshold of his office. “He’s never done any

a warning when they’re hired. When I g

, knowing I was part of why he was so agitated. Although, I felt horrible that he was taking i

don’t mind getting the paperwork later.” I was the one w

t,” he snapped. “He won’t be late next time, and if he is, he’ll lose his job. It’s not your decision when the deadline is, an

u’re being a little

s flattening on his desk while he scowle

chin. “I didn’t know I needed

“That mouth of yours is goi

inside of me and giving me courage. “I don’t thi

ening. Such a sexy jaw… “What exa

e room seeming smaller than it really was. The desire was there, blatantly poking each of us to leap over his desk and go at it

y breathing picked up its pace, anxious for what he was going to do. Turning and running home would have b

t if I tilted my head upward and st

ispered, looking at my mouth. “A

l. Every inch of my skin tingled, aching for hi

ce, then looked o

ed his mouth against mine. I snatched a handful of his designe

d my waist, pulling me to his chest and back into

mach. Lifting me with ease, he carried me behind his desk and t

uld do to me in other places. He’d said he had talents, and I’d

im to wince. “You’re such a fucking tease,” he

wrapping my hands around the back of his neck. “You’re

g his lips, he sneered, “I

s opened, noticing the indent of his pecs. The

indent. “It’s not a wise decisi

ng on my lips. “Good point. Although, I can’t im

Just when I think your e

ed. “It’s not an ego when it’s true.” His hands caressed t

k that,” I gasp

s and landed me on his desk. My legs

f me on the mahogany desk, he breat


brought on a challenge for him. “I’

rom around his waist and went to his k

I knew where this was heading. Any other time I’d be shy and apprehensive to let a ma

n, knowing that your panties are stashed away in

watched his hands s

’t I sto

wer,” I spat. I wanted to sound bit

a tremor right to my core. “I could have l

yfulness. “Sounds l

etely over my hips and spreading my legs wide apart. “I didn’t know

ttered. He winked, and I snort

s finger between my thighs, stroking the

tom lip. “Happens

know I’m abou

you,” I

you’ve played hard to get for long enough.” Tw

iding at a wonderful pace. “You’ve been wet all afterno

ce from closing my legs. His fingers felt so good

ckle escaping his mouth. “You’v

tipped my head back. His mouth was an inch from my sensitive nub as he

he nerves at a reverent pace. I wanted to moan out loud, tell him how glorious it felt, but I couldn’t give him the sa

e and his tongue stroked and applied just the right pressure. Forget that I was sitting on his desk, half my ass under his planner, and the other half on the cool mahogany of the table top. I didn’t care that his computer

ulsing around my clit. His gentle blue eyes that were staring up at

nger and sucked with u

, bursting with ecstasy. My hands grabbed his hair as I trembled, tryi

liar voice croak

ping wasn’t a random noise, but a knock on the door, and my ecstatic yes’s were

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