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Steal Mr. Vampire Of My Friend

Steal Mr. Vampire Of My Friend


Chapter 1 First Meet

Word Count: 1816    |    Released on: 25/01/2024

icked off her high heels as soon as she entered, took off the sparkling diamond ea

er ample and rounded bosom. She was beautiful, cha

ven more alluring against th

r to pull up the raised hem of Lydia's dress

you are so old-fashioned and conservative, n

had said the wrong thing, but she was used to speaking her

remarked, "You're right, I am indeed

en to put on an apron, took out ingredients fro

ps, sat up, and picked

watching Helen busily working, and

th is emphasized in all industries, coupled with the economic downturn, it was difficul

ve the capital to

ly took the remaining funds and ran away. Before leaving, he blamed Helen for being an extrem

nd was evicted by the landlord. She was walking o

on, Lydia brough

tate, and in the distance, a magnificent European-style castle could be seen. The well-maintained pines and the ro

the estate exuding a subtle

were born much better than her. She had thought of leaving after having coffee, but Lyd

to go, so she stayed on

the role of a housemaid voluntarily. She helpe

chauffeur, and a few gardeners in the entire castle. Lydia said her husband doesn't like too man

d man, with a long face, triangular eyes, and surprisingly gray-blue eyeballs. When he looked at you, even the most comp

te, courteous, and reliable. When Lydia said she wanted to stay on, h

ke a robot. Give him tasks, an

a temporary visitor, she wouldn'

at the people here didn't look at her with

s of rooms. Helen couldn't understand how someone

d into the British nobility. After several generations of development, the family grew large.

dates during her school days, meeting various rich second-generation men. Compared to Helen,

her behind her back. Only Helen didn't get involved in these th

eart was pure and clear, an

he had indeed been jealous. She had thought maliciously that this woman's good looks were the only reason she had such a good li

o help arrange a position for Helen, but she refused. Her friend was different now, and if she kept clinging to her, she would inev

e her and continued to live he

dn't seen her friend's husband, and there wasn't even a single photo of him in the house. But

nk, pestering Helen to

on an apple and said, "Helen, if it's not working out, you can go to my husband's comp

liberation, she realized that she couldn't survive on pride alone. She tugged a

onger. She needed a job firs

"You finally agreed! Don't worry, I will make sure my

soup. When she came out, a man sitti

eves of his white shirt were rolled up to his elbows, and two of the buttons at the chest were unbuttoned, revealing attractive collarbones. H

Helen was scared by the silence and coldness emanating from him, and

over and encircled the man from behind, saying, "Darl

aring it to combine the playful of a gi

ut to Helen, this man was still keeping her at a distance. If it weren't

table, and Richard glanced a

rrently looking for a house. Since our home is spacious, I thought she cou

She looked at Richard who looked back, and her heart pounded uncontrollably. It

s expression was indifferent, disregarding Helen as he

ave a meal together, and Helen wanted to ref

y served Richard rice and soup, "Darling, try i

d at the bowl of soup in front of him, paused, then took

ck up the vegetables for hi

tables and lost interest. He stood up and rubbed Lydia's h

et distant, and his gaz

nd worriedly asked Lydia, "Is yo

t be, that's just his temper

ut resumes. However, many of them seemed to have gone unanswered

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