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Steal Mr. Vampire Of My Friend

Chapter 2 Savory Blood

Word Count: 2100    |    Released on: 25/01/2024

left early, hoping t

y arranging breakfast. Seeing her coming downstai

ichard pushed it open. He must have just finished his morning run, with sweat drenching hi

d Helen's nose instantly. Her heart raced, and she coul

g, Mr. Richa

coming in or going out, but inst

s movements were unhurried, and his long legs blocked her path. He first wipe

a moment and replied

clear yet with a hint of depth, very char

. It was a normal thing, but she couldn't help feeling awkward. Later

oes and entered the house. The eerie sense of oppres

g the road, hoping for luck to catch a taxi. This was also the reason Helen wanted to leave early, it was inconvenient with

ong time, there was s

horn behind her. She stepped aside,

movies. Helen couldn't recall the name, but it looked exquisite and classy on him. His hair wasn't as casual as it was

the driver had already gotten o

le, "Mr. Richard, this

ed down at the reports on his tablet. The driver patiently wa

ichard remained silent, quietly looking at his own data. Helen was so reserved that she d

wondered how to open her mouth and ask him to drop her off

id, casually handing h

but he had already entered the office building. The driver d

ely lined up and greeted him. The hurried offic

r or not. Richard stood in the elevator, pressed th

and feeling cornered, she

tor, and Helen gathered up her courage t

r, and a well-dressed man approached. Upon

ard, who

rtment." With a simple sentenc

en's hands, handing it to a nearby female secretar

hard anymore, she didn't feel as afraid. She turned to the man

rimmed glasses giving him a polite and gentle look. "Mr. Richard informed me this morn

s when they left in the morning. How did

ll night, Lydia only came downstairs for dinner. Seeing Helen back, Lydia joyf

tly surprised,

loose pajamas slipped down, revealing her snow-white sh

d a position for me. I thought you had told him to help me with the job." She had thought it

ed it last night, didn't expect him to arrange it so quic

s off but couldn't quit

you to work? If it's a job with too much free time and little p

the planning department, which

she had thought of something. "That's goo

up a few months' salary to rent a place to stay

back for dinner, so Helen and Lydia had a si

ressed up and r

he city, she would often stay out very late. But now, even with her husband retu

husband was simply perfect. Not only handsome and wealthy but also doting on her.

male protagonist being dote

V while brushing her teeth, the news reported that the local

s was the third female body found this month. The police suspected that a serial killer ha

er? Helen called, but there was no answer. She wondered if she was overr

earned that Lydia had

er how late she stays out," Helen worriedly said,

ked the butler, "Andy,

eturned from his morning

ached the door, she heard a strange sound. The wooden door was half open, Helen kn


ite, she walked through the living room and into the bathroom and s

ct body. He tilted his head back, his hand moving faster and faster, seemingly reaching the peak. Sens

turned away, covering her eyes,

ping into the table and ne

at he was doing nonchalantly, and th

nowing she should go to work soon, but still

He still looked indifferent, his strong aura making her dare no

d something

back last night, and I'm very wo

end's place, drinking. She'

elen ridiculed herself for overthinking and medd

she turned in surprise, he walke

darker. Richard was too close to her, just a punch's distance away

bleeding, and she hadn't even noticed. His eyes darkened slightly as

ot away, but Richard held onto it tightly

ulling a band-aid from his pocket and covering

eful next ti

rying down the stairs. As she left, Richard watched her go a

ous," he said with

g, her mind filled with memories of Richard gently tending to her wound. Just the thought of him made

herself in the mirror, angrily scolded herself. How could she

ound herself wishing that Richard wasn't her friend's

that she had been at a friend's birthday party last night

d hesitant about rep

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