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A winter's love affair


Word Count: 704    |    Released on: 21/02/2024

vous grandchildren, Mary and Martha, staring at her with a mix of excitement and curiosity. Their innocent ga

grateful to be with her grandchildren, sharing this moment of pure joy with them. She knew that these mo

a golden hue over the landscape. The gentle rumble of the bus and the soft c

y night. He had seemed preoccupied, lost in his own thoughts and worries. Samantha understood his struggles; losing Mabel

nity to have them over, cherishing every moment spent with Mary and Martha. But now, they were on their way back to Willows Creek

avid waiting for them, a mix of relief and weariness evident on his face. His beard and hair were unkempt, a stark contrast

. Mary and Martha's playful antics had left the lady's hair a tangled mess, but before S

the lady must have been surprised and possibly annoyed by the state of her hair. Samanth

her hand. She took a deep breath, steeling herself for what she was about to do. With a quick, deci

. She sank into the soothing water, letting it envelop her body and calm her mind. The warm water eased the tens

changed into comfortable pajamas before lying down on her bed. She closed her eyes, intending to rest fo

the man who had once been the love of her life. She remembered their plans to get married, plans that had been shattered when Mark had left her for anoth

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