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A winter's love affair


Word Count: 1211    |    Released on: 21/02/2024

in her tummy was impossible to ignore. Rubbing her eyes, she sat up in bed and glanced around her sparsely furnished apartment.

outside, carrying with it the promise of a new day in Willows Creek.As Katty walked slowly down the familiar streets of Willows Creek, she couldn't help but notice how much had changed since she was last he

ys when she was a carefree young woman, full of dreams and aspirations. Now, standing in the mids

o stop and grab a bite to eat, hoping to satisfy the hunger that gnawed at her stomach. Entering the ca

of herself.She was happy she found a cozy café that offered a variety of healthy options apart from the regular pastries. The menu boasted fresh salads, smoothies, and light sandwiches.

changes around her, Katty felt a sense of peace wash over her. She was home, in a place that held so many memories and possibilities.Katty munched on her meal, savoring each bite as she watched the other patrons in the café. She obser

k to this town. She thought about her parents, wondering how they would react to seeing her agai

grateful for this moment of peace and quiet in the midst of her chaotic thoughts.Katty noticed a family at a nearby table—a man who looked to be in his mid-forties, an older woman, and two little girls.

e had always dreamed of having a loving husband and children of her own, but those dreams had been sh

ahead, she knew that she was exactly where she needed to be.Samantha's eyes wandered around the café, taking in the different faces and conversations. Suddenly, her gaze fell upon a familiar figure—a woman

had cut her hair. She leaned over to David and whispered in his ear, telling him about the m

e amends for the unintentional trouble they had caused.Samantha and David had come to the café to eat a little dinner because they didn't have the energy to cook. Ever since the death of Mabel, David had buried himself in work at the b

d sharing some of her own experiences since arriving in Willows Creek. David listened attentively

her son-in-law smile again.As they sat together, Samantha noticed a change in David's demeanor. He began to relax a little, occasionally smiling and even laughing at some of Samant

terrupt her while she was eating, so they lingered at their table, sipping on their drinks and engaging in light conversation. Saman

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