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Taming the mafia Lord's heart

Chapter 2 Mariana

Word Count: 1784    |    Released on: 12/03/2024

he brunette, that I was able to get my legs free too. Once he called the other guard aside I knew it was the best time to run, since every


ore I could even gather myself, the guard came and picked me up. He wanted to

in I felt from the gunshot was already making me dizzy. I've never been shot before and th

k at him even though I was scared and in so much pain. He didn't seem to appreciate my stare so he pointed the gun at my forehead and smiled. I gasped out


mly lit warehouse. I heard his laughter as I opened my

esus Christ" I muttered, the word e

d his voice carrying an unsettling calmness as he stared at me. The man, whose name r

ng in the silence that enveloped us. "Are you brave or

the other girls, huddled together on the ground, th

I get trapped in


needed to revise. Exams were to begin next week. The sky was a deep shade

orcing me into the car. I tried to scream, they hit me, covered my mouth

up and scared. They transported us to an abandoned factory, where I witnessed our sale to another group for

the man who pinned me down. The one with a ghastly scar etching a brutal path from his forehead to hi

t, making them virtually untouchable. The identity of their enigmatic boss was shrouded in secrecy, known only by the name Lorenzo McLaren, the feared Mafia Lord. Rumors about

Moratto, the city's notorious Playboy, the man who had me pinned down on the fl

and I am no fool," I retorted, striving to main

self with my line of sight, and asked in a very calm voi

him as "Boss," this man must be Lorenzo McLaren's right-hand man. He held my fa

ugh me. "Screw you! " I yelled and spat

in front of me. Then he did something I didn't expect. He began trailing the gun on my arm that was shot unt

xcruciating, tears began to fill my eyes and wh

anner, as if he was talking about the weather. "

sure the person suffers to the point wher

t up. When I thought it was all over he did something unexpected. He laughed, a full, dark

ing you," he murmured with a sinister

he inquired, cocki

ed, my voice barel

Laren," he declared, revealing a chillin

ren?! My heart began beating so fas

o his imposing height, "I s

gotten my

ttempt to escape, and you WILL get caught. I'll let my men have their way with you until you're bleeding and your insid

away but stoppe

medic to treat her' he s

agreement, while I sat there in stunned silenc


d shut behind me. I couldn't help but curse silently as I rubbed the angry red marks on my wrist

l feel the excruciating pain. As a punishment

here all day?" A voice su

suming bed. Her jet-black hair was pulled back into a messy bun, and her dark eyes appeared empty. It

to the bed directly across fr

from outside at five am every morning since there's no running water inside. You do your laundry outside and hang it to dry the

bandaged arm. "I see

around, picking up a book and began to read, poi

u won't get into trouble" She m

as probably accepted her faith. There was no escape from Lorenzo's he

hes, soap, a toothbrush, and other essentials. I quickly learned that this building was meant to ser

eeping on these past few days. The gunshot wound weakened my body badly. I closed my eyes and tried

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