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Hiding The Son Of The Mafia Boss

Hiding The Son Of The Mafia Boss

Author: Dazi mae

Chapter 1 The pain

Word Count: 2574    |    Released on: 07/04/2024


l, but no matter how much I drink and drin

alcohol itself will not disso


omer entered the entrance. I see you and you can fe

, which for some inexplicable reason gi

while pointing at the handsome m

ost out of jail, but they're free because they're millionaires. Rumor has it that one o

o drunk that I replie

out what was wrong with them, I ignored t

s staring at me, that's wh

the whole group of them looking at me

ss, I gulped down a glass of wine again whil

neck. There are traces of his arrogant face, typical of what I see in "bad boys" in novels. His ex was a m

e is a hole it will cut it. It looks like you're sti

es, you like gentle and cute f

laughed at the bar t

so appreciate looks" was his

man suddenly approached, if I'm not mistaken it wa

ou" he asked directl

the question, especially since he looked like he had k

id authoritatively w

my bar tender defended me as he forcefull

tender and pulled out his black clothes, there

e dragging me into the VIP room w

ding my arm said loudly

ng face of the man was revealed to me, wh

ing and forcing?" The whole courage if

being done to me, my bad attitude really comes out, especially since I still ha

do anything whether forced or with permission" His baritone sa

ere exposed to a strange scent coming from you, don't you know that this pla

aid in confusion while lo

nts, just see what effect y

his pants, but here you are, uncon

the ass?" he said with a grin while plastering


is colleagues to come out

t forgot all the pain and the fear

ing bad to me, what worries me is what will happ

f that I don't like him,

you find. It's especially rare that someone has such a hands

replied, his face was shaped like he was surprised by wha

his feet made me feel strangely nervous, maybe because of the alc

too late

effortlessly, at his height of 6'11, I was a

ich I quickly resisted, we were like hungry l

ound us anymore as long as the important thing

ourage to make decisions that I know I will re

l be today, especially since I want to have fun and

andy!" He broke our kiss as he sl

tall, my face is

itone voice gave a stran

undid the belt of his pants wh

beautiful" was his comp

ly took off his pants, immediatel

en I saw the huge bulge of his white boxers

th a smile while slo

te boxers, that's how surprised I was when suddenly I was sl

who have this big load, but

o hands were already holding her size

d of it's hips and le

while smiling looking at me, while I

en I felt a pain from it, like bei

fficulty when I felt a

I tried to move my ass, so that my

ly registered the strange pain that


s he put his big

knew someone was with me

id last night slowly returned. Because of my s

arefully looking at him to see if he was awake, it was g

ing sure he wouldn't notice me. With all my strengt

on the clean floor, I was shocked to hear the bariton

quickly standing up naked while not even remembe

n't screw it up last night" he said s

irectly while still keeping my

to stay in my condo, but you can't wait to le

I'll leave" he sai

lked towards the door to get out, I was about to turn the doork

e you don't know what's in front of you" he said seriously

d annoyed, especially since I know that he thinks of me

r as his small smile appeared

ickly went out of his fancy and big

ng me, so I quickly sped up walking even though I almost felt like I was

o close quickly, but it looked like he was staring at me because he

authority and wealth. Even if he wears rags, it wil

still acting. I'll take you! Done!" The one who was an

he came closer to me and lowered my shorts a little

s doing. Somehow he was so close to me, he even bent dow

d and quickly took his hand from my

u won't be able to escape me" he said seriously

s why the entire elevator was filled with

he ground floor, as soon as I stepped, he imme

noyed, especially since he w

just a complainer, d

but he just continued, while my punches on his c

-" he said annoyed when he put me down on the seat of his car whi

especially since he was already annoy

Or maybe I'll throw this egg of mine in your mouth whe

off" I softly whispered to myself

as the incredulous mutter

down, with so much calm I slowly realized everything.

nd anger immediately changed to sadnes

ime I have nowhere to go. But I'm not going there to say hello, I want to avoid people

even if it hurts me but I'm thankful for the evil and the

ny temptations, if he loves you there is no reason for him to do anything wrong

re making a lot of noi

e said especially since I was bei

e sad because of me" he

I could say and let him sa


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