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Hiding The Son Of The Mafia Boss

Chapter 5 The strange man's

Word Count: 2671    |    Released on: 07/04/2024



thering?" The man asked as he lowered the

le are gathering because they ran over, they were

ks like it won't end yet" he said w

iliar figure of a person he had been looking for for a long time. That's why he quic

he said that scared him so he quickl

find the familiar figure. He ran with all his strength

hock, especially in his 3 years of searching here, h

m, the joy he felt earlier suddenly collapsed

since he was sure he saw it with h

ange man's questio

n and left quickly after he confirmed t

e noticed the cute child sitting on a chair ho

walked faster even though hi

d earth?! What happened?" The most intrig

e bottle while putting water in the glass, I slowly gulped it down whi

et, because Kieth saw me" I ad

What did you say?!" His intrigued wo

rs have you put up with it for so long, then you won't break up if you haven't pretended to be doing something wrong *han. Jusko

ou really think that hers is small, because I'm looking at love, no

etting is love, you're free," he said

us, it's you, how come you love black ame

e is still fresh and tight" he sa

just be fhm" is the story I hate, espec

is" he hur

il, what happened why we met and

cause she really hates Kieth, that's why seeing and hearing him suffer is like music to her ears


m just reminding you that you have a brunch meeting wi

now?" I said boredly to Ethan

of your mind since you suddenly ran out of the car earlier" w

came more dull when I reme

ngry that he easily ob

hat happened earlier. Besides the first time I experienced it, I had a

usted with myself, especially in th

nsible information on him, apart fro

ly edited, I don't know anything about him, I have spent all my power

ed like a bubble, and I ca


ly heard the voice of my friend Blake who

ed in three years. Oops, you haven't fucked in

id annoyed that he just laughed while sitting

still your problem, you're more capable of loving th

said while showing a picture on his cell phone w

isgust as I tried to take his cell ph

ased, so I punched him in the arm that he was

" I said annoyed a

're really gone, you're bad" he kept teasing me and I just gave up b

why are you so crazy? Is she good

You used to be a cantor, now you're just a slut. And you can really afford not to taste anything else because you

u look like someone who doesn't want to look. There are fish in the sea

d in anyone else. It's hard to explain why that one day he had such a great effect on me. Maybe I'm crazy if

" he said with a smile

phone suddenly rang so I immediately looked

le to eat here." what was stated in the message that immediately made my heart skip

s obvious that your body is beautiful and

t of me and you might blow your nose

sive eh" he said while laughing

e's sudden words while zooming in on the boy

lier" was my realization t

y took the car keys, while my heart was beati

pily said as I opened the door o

he still isn't sleeping. No matter how hard I try

him but his eyes didn't lo

I let him watch, especially since he

o prepare what I would cook for tomorrow, while I was washing

udly but it didn't even s

nd quickly wiped my wet hand whil

whispered annoyed a

d I was when I saw

couldn't finish what I was going to say when he sud

dn't come here to fight you

promise not to scream anymore" he softly whispe

ything wrong to you. But why do you insist t

peaking, he quic

my name is there?" His serious words showed me

ables before I could face him, maybe the concealer covering my t

. After gagging me, you will suddenly show up as if you did nothing w

to you, you just don't know that I looked for you

won't look for me because I'm here" I said sarcastically

thes but you look like a corpse" I laughed, especia

my mind and you're still the one that makes my heart beat" was his passionate words

e to beg to accept me again?" I sc

you alive and I'll be a sensible wife to you" the boy

earlier, I wouldn't have left it. But I will make sure that you get pregnant becau

want to see him" He said with a smile and it looked like he

father. Can you? Just leave?!" I was disgusted and w


my head when Chibi s

ntil I'm done talking to you" he s

!" My soft words while

angrily as he took my

loudly inside when Kiet

to him because my two hands were lo

m going to let you leave my side when I'm almost goi

rvously while my heart was pounding because of

at the back door

te even better, especially since we will follow your child and I will fill your s

stronger. Do you miss it?" he said as he took my hand and held

even bigger than yours" I said

punched me in the stomach which made me twist on the

ly a light appeared from a car. At the

ly ran in our direction and punched Kieth rudel

of the punch from that animal, it'

mpletely engul


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