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Stolen Moments

Chapter 2 George's Health

Word Count: 1100    |    Released on: 06/04/2024

I retired to

t and satisfie

ts. As I sett

lp but feel

or the day a

the beginni

I was eager t


ng, I woke up

nd energize

quick breakfa

e set out for

d be in

at the site, I

of the place

endless pos

and I could a

ed project

f the day, we

property, ta

for its futur

elished every

we were on

g truly

gan to set, c

landscape, I

se of satisfac

the challe

confident t


e of accomp

team and we

dy to unwind a

ful day

know that the

soon take a

course of my

ver have

had passed

y team and I r

long day of

s we made o

ooms, I coul

itement that s


excitement q

en I received

informing m

ad been injur

to the pent

standing outs

ion fraught

ed?" I deman

fear as I pu

ered th

d George lyin

g around him

A broken plat

e accident tha


at happened

beside him a


sir," George

g with pain. "

room when I

a plate. It s

ew up and hit

r my breath,

over me. If

having the r

aps this acci


t you to a hos

ge to his fe

ards th

hat about t

Nathan interj

d with

the property

ly. "George'

an always r


led George ou

he elevator,

edical attent

or the elevato

p but berate

. I had been

hand that I

he safety

orry," George

whisper. "I d

to ha

fault, George

a comfortin


g now is to ge


elevator ar

e, the doors

ft whoosh. A

couldn't shake

settled in t


hed the lobb

agging dow

he driver to

tal. George s

his head resti

he groan

t there, Geo

er whatever c

ed up to t

he hospital,

i and guided h

sprang into a

the emerge


aiting room,

or George's

e the feeling

t I had faile

his s

t like an eter

rged from t


he said, look

m afraid you

erious head

im for now,

repair th

k at the doc

lt washing

failed Geor

e price for m

m?" I asked,

a wh

odded, leadi

here Georg

bedside, I fe

the sight of h

d uncon

George," I wh

mine. "I pro

in my power


I made tha

e the feeling

t I had faile

d me

y his bedside,

t, I vowed to

ure that he


t wore on,

e, my though

et. Despite th

myself to lea


xhaustion ove

sleep in the

dy rhythm of

e small measu

e dar

I slept, m

the memory

lying helpl

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