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Stolen Moments

Chapter 3 Recovery

Word Count: 1102    |    Released on: 06/04/2024

ing, I woke u

stling about

ing George'

bandages. A

y eyes, the

ht came rush


," one of the

rm smile as

ke. "How are


hank you," I re

the weight of

d in my

r at George's

was awake and

t grimace of

his f

u holding u

g up a chair

ter, sir," he

le. "But I

eling a pang

sight of his in

what happene

ith remorse.

ore ca

fault, sir,"

irm despite th

s hap

shake the fee

his current p

en more cauti

loser atte

, perhaps Ge

a hospital b

wore on, I

, offering wh

I could. I ma

re that they

and taking st

milar from h

he f

ielded calls f

ting them on


our business

take care

t efforts to s

and, my mind

vents of the

le trip to Tex

a dis

oon sun began

casting long

room, I found

estless. I nee

pe the suffoc

hreatened to

take a walk,"

nodded in un

e, sir," he sa

mile. "I'll be


ul nod, I sli

om and made

the cool air o

e small meas

chaos of

couldn't help

previous nig

unfolding be

ity. The sou

's pained cry

m to the hospi

a nightmare

n't w

oughts, I bar

time as I w

idors, my foo

nst the linol

I found myse

l tucked aw

hospital, its


f relief, I st

ank into one

light filtering

s windows ca

space. Closi

in silent pr

uidance in t


e, I sat there

guilt and r

like a heav

es stretched

e began to se

surance th

ything would


e to leave t

ge's side, I c

sense of

n to make am

he past and f

for u


y way back

d felt clear

hed open the d

tably, a faint

as he saw

e greeted me,

th warmth. "F

turning his

of my own. "Y

g a seat besid

t all t

ed softly, sh

r," he said.


to grasp his

uring squee

yond, George

never fo

my hand ba


sir," he sai

for eac

uck a chord d

of the bond


chaos and un

d us in recen

always coun


eorge," I sai

ing with e


small smile p

s lips. "Anyt

, let's focus

n your

settled into

ion, passing

laughter as

e doctors ab

pite the uncer

ld, I felt a

me, knowing

ges lay ahea

face the

ay drew to a

ridors grew

d with a ren

d deter

tacles await

er, George

. And with th

d off to sleep

bring with it

e to make t

drew to a c

ridors grew

d with a ren

d deter

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