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Mr.Locksward's Obsession

Chapter 5 Part 5

Word Count: 1021    |    Released on: 07/04/2024

iends who were just quiet. "Do you want c

fer Mrs. Locksward

e coffee shop. I even glanced

ages fro

cause I was in front of the shop. I was right in with the girl who came ou

aze and we were



I was slightly moved away. I could see

e they?" wonder

companion was slowly pul

d at Lindsey. "Lindsey how's daddy? How

nk it's better

ely acted and I saw himself askin

oment." I objected because h

!!?" Lindsey asked as

ith you? I just want to know

io's hospital right n

hock. It was as if something suddenly came t

shaking and I couldn't help but shed t

. I'll say everythi

d, I loved him. My daddy is with him and nothi

l not be worse. I don't want to lose m

e holder said to me

Titus." Lindsey's voice is so irritat

go with them. It would be nice to see Dadd

ling. It was noticed that we had caught the at

to get t

aring Lindsey's cry but it was too

owed by the crowd around

s goi

ame to an end ... Wait am I in the condo? I immediately

yung da

enly hurt. My eyesight was dimming but I c

suddenly fell down. My legs wer

oing on

opening and Lux

on the bed again. Gradually my eyes widened so I could see the worried face

ouldn't help but cry and hug him. "L-

visit him." "Shhhhh it's

Even though we couldn't agree, I loved her so much and another I didn't want to lose. Mom

. I was already on the headboard of the bed while waiting

e tray. She lowered it to the side table an

was a gentle question and tou

ed and

icken soap, you didn't have lunch earli

at what he sai

he moment you pass*d out." she

you rem

esponse. Oh my God w

member before you pass*

embered what had

hen suddenly a butler and the other wanted me to return to your office. Lindsey got confused and so Am

ing. "Are they holding you b

t had happened because I might jus

hat happe

to the hospital because daddy was

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