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AKIM3848 's Books(2)

Between man and wolf

Between man and wolf

Lowa was reincarnated in a world called Misanthrope where humans were hunted by werewolves, a catastrophe that occurred over a thousand years, causing all survivors to hide in magical membranes. Humans are divided into many areas to live in, each area will have a mage to protect. Tragedy fell from the sky when the magic curtain cracked, her parents, the people living with Lowa could not survive, except for her and Dai. The organization is called: “Peace Corps”, Lowa and Dai are helped by the goddess Irina to take care of them after their objects are discovered and destroyed. They are taught that people must always be put first, the only goal is to destroy all werewolves to regain this land towards freedom. During a mission, Lowa meets a werewolf. He helped Iowa, another human, return to the organization. It was also from this meeting that Iowa understood that attempting to kill all the werewolves would be tantamount to using violence against violence that would only cause more casualties for innocent people. Lowa sets out to find people who share the same ideal of peace, between humans and werewolves, both deserve to live. One thing that Lowa didn't think about, it was Dai, her best friend, who was the most staunch opponent. He thinks werewolves deserve to be destroyed for the crimes committed against humans. Irina, the esteemed older sister to Iowa, was extremely disappointed in her. She officially kicked Iowa out of the organization, silently sending people to kill Lowa.