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Burningblueboox12's Book(1)

Armageddon: Legend Of The Chosen One

Armageddon: Legend Of The Chosen One

Lucifer, an Angel Of His Presence is to become the vice of the God Supreme, but he falls in love with one of his sisters; and thereafter fails the Test Of Truth, betraying his creator. Love didn't test him, but faithfulness sure did. He becomes full of himself when he finds out that his creator can't(won't) destroy him and that inside of him is buried an omnipotent essence equivalent to half of the Supreme Being's power. He plans to either abscond with his lover or fight and maybe even usurp their Father. However, he settles for the latter due to some reasons known to him. He falls after provoking a great war in the Above Realm. Defeated and battered, he's sent down to the dark-all-encompassed Below Realm along with the 666 casualties left of his great army. He invents many techniques with which he tries to heal himself, and using one of these, crushes the souls of his six hundred and sixty-six injured comrades. However, he is still recovering, getting himself ready for the Apocalypse. If ever the prophecy is true, he prepares to defeat a very powerful angel, known as Amaziel. He is the Chosen One; if he ever conquers his fears and overcomes the devil's temptations, and if not, then he's replaced by another, who preferably to the devil, won't even be his match at all. Lucifer thinks it all an absurd joke, but still longs to enjoy the game anyway. He already has a beast, destined to become the Antichrist, loyal to him. A human turned-angel, powerful than a god, shall he go up against. However, he still ain't feeling threatened at all. Even he is more powerful than twelve gods combined!