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Favour Alabuah

Favour Alabuah's Books(2)



Have you ever been in a situation where your parents,, sold you to a dangerous king,, as his sex slave in exchange for wealth? Not any king,, but a cursed beast king.. Who is known to be cruel and heartless.. Well that is what happened to a timid and kind human girl.. Born by an Angel and a Beast,, King Ariston Erasmos,, is what they called a hybrid abomination.. He is devilishly handsome,, huge,, very tall,, ruthless,, unforgiving and cold-hearted.. Countless horror stories are told to little children at night,, about him.. Everyone rumor that he did not have a heart and he believed it,, untill a certain beautiful,, timid,, human girl,, is sold to him by her parents in exchange for wealth.. Ariston find himself being fascinated by the little things that she do.. And to his awe,, he is sexually attracted to her.. Just within a few weeks that the girl stayed with him,, she succeded in pulling down the strong walls that he created in his mind and find a way into his heart,, unlocking the padlock that he locked it with... Making him to believe that he still have a heart and also to see the good in himself.. The devil was once an Angel right?? Well King Ariston find himself having strange feelings for her,, that he thought is only lust.. He is willing to protect her from danger and he also pardons her mistakes to the amazement of his servants,, because he don't forgive people neither is he merciful... But he shows mercy to the human girl.. To complicate the matter,, his beasts marked her as their mate a night before the red blood moon,, when the curse of the evil seer will manifest.. What happens when ice and fire meet each other? Will fire melt ice or will ice be able to tame it? EXTRACTS FROM THE STORY.. "You have been a bad girl and you deserved to be punished Angel.." Ariston uttered to Cheryl smirking and spank her b*ttocks,, making her to moan.. "Wh-at d-id I d-o?" The beautiful human girl stuttered.. "You disobeyed my orders sweet-heart,, which no-one have ever done before.." He said removing a strand of her hair from her face and stroking her cheeks,, making her to lean in more to his touch and a smug grin appeared on his face.. "I don't want more punishments,, i have received them in all the days of my life.." Cheryl whispered sniffing and the king growled.. "Who gave you the punishment? I will kill the bastards that dare to torture you.." He spat out angrily as he notice the scars on her hands.. "Please don't kill anyone,, it's a slip of tongue.." She mutter and hugged the tall man that is towering over her small petite form and he buried his face on her neck and inhaled her scent,, calming down instantly.. "You belong to me and no-one will hurt you again.. Say that you are mine..." He commanded,, licking her earlobe and she moan in bliss.. "I'm your's.." She mutter lowly.. "Good and when I say punishment,, i wasn't speaking about tortures or physical abuse,, i will never harm you..." Ariston said grinning.. "Which punishment are you talking about?" She asked innocently,, staring up at him in curiosity and he groan.. "Dammn it,, she is really innocent and she is making me to be insane,, I can't wait to taint her innocence.." He soliloquies,, groaning as he stare down his waist and see a huge bulge on his trouser.. He couldn't believe that the mere thought of having a sexual intercourse with her,, have made him so horny.. "Let me show you.." He replied and carried her off her feets and she gasps in suprise and wrapped her legs around his waist,, holding his neck,, while he hold her firmly on her waist with his strong large hands..