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Jelazrae21's Book(1)



After a blood-splattering war between powerful leaders of vampires, wolves, and witches, the Celestial Goddess, Selene, made them a treaty by doing a blood compact ritual to end the war between factions for the future peace between supernatural forces. Those compacted blood were given to Selene for safekeeping and remembrance of the made truce. Five hundred centuries later, a treaty becomes legend, a legend becomes a myth and a myth becomes a fable. A forgotten history made another one selfish claim for powers between factions. Tired by repeated dreadful history, Selene decided to act on her own and to show them why that treaty was made to happen in the first place. Birthed with a mark, Jacqueline Cunningham bears the burden of keeping her true identity from the rest of the world to protect the possible endangerment from those power-hungry unknown creatures. Keeping herself incognito wasn't vigorous enough when she wasn't entirely visible to her pack, to begin with, and that's how's supposed to be. Incognito and all, she can't escape the reality of destiny. Karmichael Addamsons, next line of alpha, knew by somehow in this time he should have met his a mate, but something isn't adding up to that puzzle. Nowhere to be found, he knew his mate was close. Now Jacqueline's fate was on the line, whether to choose between the love she was hoping and longing for and security of true self for those power grabbing creatures she's been avoiding through her life. Will she be able to choose the right decision when the time comes and everything was at stake? 05-17-2020