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Merque13's Book(1)

Trials And Tribulations

Trials And Tribulations

"You're a strong girl,you'd be fine without me" It was true,she realised it after that 'INCIDENT'.After she was forced to be fine.ALONE.without HIM and everyone else dear to her.Her father,brothers they all betrayed her and left her for death to embrace.The few who stood by her weren't able to help.They were forced to watch her being taken to that horrifying PLACE. ".....but now that am here you won't have to be alone" This,this was a lie she wished to have discovered sooner.He was there Yes!but turned his back the moment she needed him most.He joined forces with THEM and they believed what their sights offered,didn't want to go beyond,see further.They left her,abandoned her like she was never their's once upon a time. "I'll be with you each step of the way." And there was when he deserved an award ladies and gentlemen. (chukle) how ironic,she was walking down those broken steps alone trying to find the missing piece for each one to avoid falling and break more than she already is.He's nowhere to be found.Him and her family,was it all a lie?the love,the affection was it all one-sided?did she put her trust in the wrong people all this time?They betrayed her!now all her battles are her's to fight.No doubt she'll find Newness but is she ready to accept it with trust?New places,new people,NewHer. What if a life forces her to go back?can she return to where it all started and face her past and them all without it being too much? Join Alina Jeffery in her journey filled with trials and tribulations and find out who stayed,who boarded?What will happen?