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Trials And Tribulations

Trials And Tribulations



"You're a strong girl,you'd be fine without me" It was true,she realised it after that 'INCIDENT'.After she was forced to be fine.ALONE.without HIM and everyone else dear to her.Her father,brothers they all betrayed her and left her for death to embrace.The few who stood by her weren't able to help.They were forced to watch her being taken to that horrifying PLACE. ".....but now that am here you won't have to be alone" This,this was a lie she wished to have discovered sooner.He was there Yes!but turned his back the moment she needed him most.He joined forces with THEM and they believed what their sights offered,didn't want to go beyond,see further.They left her,abandoned her like she was never their's once upon a time. "I'll be with you each step of the way." And there was when he deserved an award ladies and gentlemen. (chukle) how ironic,she was walking down those broken steps alone trying to find the missing piece for each one to avoid falling and break more than she already is.He's nowhere to be found.Him and her family,was it all a lie?the love,the affection was it all one-sided?did she put her trust in the wrong people all this time?They betrayed her!now all her battles are her's to fight.No doubt she'll find Newness but is she ready to accept it with trust?New places,new people,NewHer. What if a life forces her to go back?can she return to where it all started and face her past and them all without it being too much? Join Alina Jeffery in her journey filled with trials and tribulations and find out who stayed,who boarded?What will happen?

Chapter 1 Dinner Date

The blazing sun across the city emmited scorching rays with no mercy to skin with no protective layers.Alina Jeffery head of finance at the JEFF shipping company,a million dollar organization run by her family finally had her long-awaited lunch break.

She got out of the building and started her fifteen-minute walk down to her favourite diner,she had a luxury of ordering her food up to her office conforts but went against it,anything to help stretch her limbs after oh-so-many hours sitting behind a desk burried in a stack of office papers would do. With this she could also clear up her mind and think about what lies in her future and what more could life offer her or take away.The thought itself was enough to make her shudder.

"Ugh why does it have to be so hot outside?Can summer be over already.. Christ!"she was one who loved a more balanced weather neither too cold nor too hot both weather in high levels weren't her cup of tea.Her skin was one which could not tolerate sunburn too and she forgot her sunscreen today what a lucky girl she was! Reaching the familiar streets,Alina got inside the diner and ate her food in peaceful tranquility staring at the passers-by outside the window.

Each new face she saw aroused a different sense of curiosity.She puzzle over what could be their story,what are they doing with their life,are they happy?what challenges are they facing and do they have someone to lean on whenever they get tired fighting off their demons?Questions she will never get answers to. She decided to live it there as it is it's best she didn't know ..not because she didn't care far from that,she cared too much that she didn't think if she'd bear the story of everyone around, she was that sensitive. Alina looked at her watch and realised her time was up she quickly finished off the little that was on her plate paid the bill and scurried out of the diner on her way back to finalize her remaining office hours.

Reaching the high-storey building of the company she had a quick chat with Teddy the receptionist about random things and finally made her way back to her office. Plopping down the confortable leather chair she engrossed herself in her previous work.




Time went in a blink and it was seven pm she had just finished getting ready for a dinner date with her two-years boyfriend They first met three years ago in a business gathering hosted by her father and introduced as long time family friends.She wasn's born yet because she would have remembered them as she thought.They clicked in an instant with a mutual attraction.But both of them played it cool untill he decided to ask her out.Though their personality clashed with Ali being more of the bubbly spontaneous and Alex the cold,indifferent aloof guy with not much to say they had one strong bond with undeniable chemistry.They highlighted the "opposite attract" phrase.

They were secretly seeing each other till they made a decision to put their relationship in the spotlight on Ali's college graduation.The news was a mind-blow to everyone but they still supported and blessed their love journey. She was now cladded in a body con white knee-length dress staring back at her reflection with a smile,satisfied with what she's seeing.Just then the doorbell to her apartment went off and she went on opening the door.

"He..... " Before she even had the chance to finish off her sentence she got caught in a mind-numbing kiss with a masculine scent hitting her nostrills sending wave of satisfaction in her heart.

"I missed you"he whispered in between the kiss "Mhhh.."she only moaned in reply.The kiss went on for a couple of more minutes and before things could escalate Ali tried to wiggle out of the tight embrace and surprisingly he let go.

"You look gorgeously as always"he mumbled in a hoarse voice kissing her cheeks,nose and forehead.

"Words could've been enough you know,there was no need for you to pounce on me like some animal in heat"she replied in fake-annoyance rolling her eyes.

"But you did like it"he replied burrying his face in the crook of her neck nibbling it. Alina's mind was everywhere with that simple action but she gathered all her strength needed to stay put.

"If we go on with this little game here you know where we'll end up and we're definetely going to miss the reservation" As if something snapped in him he stood straight but with his arms still encircling her waist he looked at her

"i almost forgot,God your going to be the death of me" with a chukle he held out his arm for her and she reached for it and went on outside the door locking it.They reached the parking lot and he held the door for her got in himself and rode off to the restaurant. They reached the restaurant and were shown to their table.

"You always know how to pick out the best huh?"Alina said in amusement staring at the restaurant's decor.

"You get the best out of me"he was never one who spoke too much only when he's with her.He could laugh,smile and even crack some jokes just to see her laugh.This made everyone wonder what she did to get that side of him,she was lucky indeed because not even his parents got to see that him.In any gatherings he was always by her side and she did most of the talking with him just standing there with a possesive arm on the small of her back.

The waiter came and took their order and they went on chatting about random things.Ali though,mostly complained about how her work days are exhausting and how the company affairs got complicated and she had no way but sneaking out to refresh her mind.Alex kept calling her a "lazy panda"because all she had ever done was complain about every little work given to her,their families were business partners and him being the CEO of the FORD company new fully well that there wasn't much work to do and only her would think the little work she's assigned to was 'a bunch of work'.

Finally their food arrived and they began eating.They were on the desert when suddenly Ali felt like she chewed a non food product.She spit it out neatly on her napkin scrutinizing what she had just chewed and to say she was amazed by what she saw was an understatement,she was on cloud 9 with happiness it didn't take a genius to understand what was going on but she still asked

"Are you proposing?" Alex was a bit confused,didn't she understand the message or did he have to put it into words for her to get the message.He knew nothing about proposals he wanted to give her the box but his friend talked him out of it and told him to place the ring in something she liked instead seeing that she was very fond of strawberry cake he decided then that he would ask the restaurant to help him carry out his plan.

"I thought it was obvious"he replied with a slight frown. She could not stop the tears in her eyes and her face splitted in a wide smile "it's beautiful"she giggled

"Is that a Yes?"he asked still couldn't fathom what her expression gave out. "Of course it's a Yes"she responded excitedly getting up and went to hug him kissing every inch of skin his face offered.That night they drank more champagne which in real case orders came from Alina and although Alex finally put a stop to her binge drinking she was already quite wasted and tried calling every contact in her phone to give them the exciting news but her phone was snatched

"Hey!i was us-ing(hiccup) thaattt"she said in a slurred voice then giggled

"It will be best if we share the news when you're more stable and not under any influence" Gasping she asked pointing a finger to herself "are you saying am drunk?

"Of course not.you're just very tired and your speech is a bit slurred they won't be able to understand you"he said as he helped her put on her seatbelt Mhh she pondered thoughtfully "you're right,we'll find a day and tell them..why don't we do it tomorrow it's saturday everyone will be home we'll have a get together dinner......." and she went on and on about how they'll wow them with their news. Alex reached his apartment helped her out of the car and carried her bridal style to his room she spends most of her weekends at his place so some of her things are there.On reaching his room he placed her on bed thinking she was asleep but was surprised when she caught his wrists and pulled him down kissing him senseless

"I thought you were tired?"he said in between kisses "Not for you"she responded "not ever" And that night they made love over and over and over again till she was finally sobered up......

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