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Trials And Tribulations

Chapter 6 Claudia.

Word Count: 1924    |    Released on: 29/10/2021

ere?"She was in her father's office and he looked pissed.She wasn

and replied c

ng i expect you to answ

whereabouts Dad?Am a grown woman

me respect when talking to me and don't you use your hands when

riends dad something c

?Did i raise you to be so irresponsible or is it that i

ergency"she wasn't used to being scolded by her father maybe that's why she was hurt to the point of br

the station?What have you done Al

"i didn't do anything father, how could you even thi

tely,sneaking out of the office to meet some 'friends'?if you were i

,one whom i've known for years."she strode off but before disappearing completely her father's voice stopped her "i pray that you've done nothi


st her' it replayed in her mind over and over again.How could he even say that?doesn't he feel guilty of what he just said?Sh

had passed when she heard Alma.She was surpri

r age entered.She had a pant suit on and her hair was tied in a tight back bun,n

away from me for so long."Claudia hugged her back but laughed at her

do have responsibilities and some of t

in my heart,take a seat and tell me everything about your

eddling in my love life young lady?there is no hottie and my work went just fine.

.When she first heard the news,her fathers outburst, the interrogat

trust me Claudia ca

eans a lot to him,it was built by his father,your grandfather,you have to understan

oke each word with emphasis he meant everythin

hing so you don't have to

trust me.Am his daughter."she was a sobbing mess.Claudia did her best to tr

i ask you f

'll do anyth

ng happens

ed standing up"no Ali no,nothing's going to happen to

said and placed her hands on her chest.She was trying to create humor out o

ital that someone else is ready to take care of her if anything

she'll be out in a few months and i can't wait for the day to come--"she rambled on about how excited she w

many people in this world that could help people

t people out there are just selfish and cruel,she is a lawyer,she has seen many evils,prejudice against innocent people,unlawful acts,she herself passed in the hands of people like

also adore that kid so yes,i'll take car

y hugged each other then went on talking about other matter

ere were surveillance cameras each corner.As they analysed the footage for any suspicious face,a man wearing a green cap was seen entering the building's parking lot and went straight to

inate was talking to detective Martin who

lled her for the interrogation,she better prepare herself very


x's office to surprise him.He was a workaholic an

s PA,he was well aware of their relationship an

u Ali"he mocked her la

ave so much going on la

it is your going through girl

Mark i'

or whatever excuse he always make just so she couldn't get inside his office.He lik

.It was Camilla the woman from the restaurant, she was chatting with Alex as if they were

at came to her.She didn't want the woman to see that she was succeeding in what she was doing as wha

to that position whenever she came to his office,what he didn't know was that today she did it sp

to get under her skin.She did,the woman was now breathing flames but was

iss the arrogance in that statement but chose to ignore it

k decorated her face,she was hinting that she doesn't pay attention to insignificant things

th.Alex just observed the ongoing conversation, he didn't feel

nversation with you.I'll Take my

in a mocking way making Alex lo

htening his arm around her he brought her close while sh

anything to you?

t something about her just

u're just paranoid or that

e asked with a serious expressi

e's nothing to worry about."he reassured her in between kis

apters then published them in some other platform but sadly the

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