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Naomilia's Book(1)



After he lost his throne to the hands of his younger brother, Reginald is banished from the vampire kingdom, never to return, and sent to the human realm. He stumbles upon Hezab, and due to his thirst to rule and conquer, he devises a plan along with traitors from the royal family, to take over Hezab and rule for himself. He enters the palace and killed  the present King and some of his children, forcing the rest to escape for their life and go into hiding along with his wife, but before she left, being a powerful witch, she laid a curse on him and his generations to come for destroying her home and killing her loved ones, then she went into hiding never to be seen again. Reginald toiled all the earth trying to find her to reverse the curse but she could not be found. A curse of blood, a curse of death and bad luck, a curses passed to all his bloodline. Many years later : After losing her mother, Astriana felt she had no hope left for her, as he mother was the closet thing she had in life, later she found out her mother was murdered by a vampire, and she vowed to her mother's grave to kol any vampire she comes in contact with, being forced into marriage with the king of Hezab whom she had never meet, but had only ever heard his name of him being ruthless and heartless "THE BLOOD KING" or so they call him. What happens when she finds out the true reason why he married her, and the truth about what he is ? As she finds out she is his... *************************************************** Are you a virgin" he asked me, as l felt his hot breath fan my face, and I looked up to see his bright green eyes staring directly at my face with an emotion I can't dispere. I shivered when I felt his hands move upward my bare thighs, as my hands trembled unconsciously, and I clenched my fist together tightly to avoid showing any emotion to his touch. "because if you are not, I will send your disambered body to the front gate of your brother's palace, I don't like used goods" he said as his nose trickled my neck, while his hands pressed down on my legs in a tight grip, as his eyes roamed round my body. "I am" I stuttered as I tried to keep my voice and emotions abay, which I am obviously doing a terrible work at. " Good" he said, as he .......