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After he lost his throne to the hands of his younger brother, Reginald is banished from the vampire kingdom, never to return, and sent to the human realm. He stumbles upon Hezab, and due to his thirst to rule and conquer, he devises a plan along with traitors from the royal family, to take over Hezab and rule for himself. He enters the palace and killed  the present King and some of his children, forcing the rest to escape for their life and go into hiding along with his wife, but before she left, being a powerful witch, she laid a curse on him and his generations to come for destroying her home and killing her loved ones, then she went into hiding never to be seen again. Reginald toiled all the earth trying to find her to reverse the curse but she could not be found. A curse of blood, a curse of death and bad luck, a curses passed to all his bloodline. Many years later : After losing her mother, Astriana felt she had no hope left for her, as he mother was the closet thing she had in life, later she found out her mother was murdered by a vampire, and she vowed to her mother's grave to kol any vampire she comes in contact with, being forced into marriage with the king of Hezab whom she had never meet, but had only ever heard his name of him being ruthless and heartless "THE BLOOD KING" or so they call him. What happens when she finds out the true reason why he married her, and the truth about what he is ? As she finds out she is his... *************************************************** Are you a virgin" he asked me, as l felt his hot breath fan my face, and I looked up to see his bright green eyes staring directly at my face with an emotion I can't dispere. I shivered when I felt his hands move upward my bare thighs, as my hands trembled unconsciously, and I clenched my fist together tightly to avoid showing any emotion to his touch. "because if you are not, I will send your disambered body to the front gate of your brother's palace, I don't like used goods" he said as his nose trickled my neck, while his hands pressed down on my legs in a tight grip, as his eyes roamed round my body. "I am" I stuttered as I tried to keep my voice and emotions abay, which I am obviously doing a terrible work at. " Good" he said, as he .......

Chapter 1 FOUND IT

"Your highness, we have finally found it" a man said, as he walked among five other men dressed in a cotton red robe like him, they had their head bare with not a single strand of hair on it, their skin pale, that one might fear they have not an ounce of blood in them.

All five of them came up to the throne were a man was seated, his eyes green like those of forest trees, his skin not as pale as theirs, but instead has is brownish in four in cortesty of his mother, his long black hair fell on his back reaching his neck, and his muscular body, well fitted in his thick royal red robe only befitting a King.

The men bowed their head in respect to him , while one of them stretched his hands up to him, where a scroll was placed sealed with the royal seal of his father, the late king.

"what is in this" the king asked them, as he examined the scroll placed on his hands.

"Your highness, that is the scroll holding the research carried out by the late King, on the curse" one of them said as he stepped forward.

"Did the old man finally speak, he said he will not speak since he made a vow to my father never to speak of it, he had not spoken for ten years" the King said as he remembered the old man whom he placed in the dungeon for ten years now, since he father died, they had tortured and did everything to get him to speak but he still refuses claiming his loyalty lies in the late king, now the man is looking so weak and frail, with white hair grown all over his face, that the king is afriad he might die, but he can not let him die till he fufil his mission for him.

"no your highness, we found it in the late king secret library" the man said as he looked up to the king with pride in his eyes, proud of him and his men for finding what the king himself could not find, the kings eyes widen as he stared at the scroll, He had been trying to find his father's libary since he became king, but he could not, anx now it randomly appeared, he found it very strange.

"Very good, you all will be handsomely rewarded, now leave" he said as he dismissed them out of the throne room. And he read through the scroll.

"get Gatheb for me" he shouted to his guards as his voice boomed round the whole room , while they hurried out of the throne room.

"Kaden, do you want to destroy my ear drums, I heard your voice all the way in my room obstructing me from my important business, don't you have something better to do, because I do, I was busy with some very beautiful ladies in my bed, and they sure know how to pleasure men " a man said as he walked into the throne room, his bright red hair in disray obviously because of what he was doing before he came here, his thick black eyes staring directly at the king with a smile on his face, his long legs made long strides as he walked into the throne room smoothly, his legs stepping on the floor of the mat, but still no noise of foot steps was heard.

"I hope they are not ladies of my harem" the king said as he scowled at Gatheb. While Gatheb just looked at the king and laughed , he had known the king since childhood, and he is the closet thing the king had to a friend.

"come on Kaden, you won't be that stingy and wicked not to share your women with me, you have but a million of them while I have none" Gatheb said with a smirk while making a cute puppy face with a sorrowful fake expression, to piss of the king.

"Gatheb" the king shouted as veins bulged out of his neck, he knows the king had always being possessive of what he considers his, so he likes hitting that sore spot , Gatheb smirked broadly.

"if you are this possessive about your women in your harem, how would you be with your mate" Gatheb said, as he let out a laugh, and turned to sit at the chair closet to him.

"I don't have a mate, and if I ever find one, I would kill her myself, now drop it " the king the said as he eyes swirled between colors, Gatheb nows he had just hit a very sore spot of the king because, of what happened to his mother, so he decided to drop it .

" Now I called you here for a reason "the king said to Gatheb as he regained his seriousness, as Gatheb immediately sat upright, knowing it must be important.

" and what might I be of help with "Gatheb said with all seriousness,

" I want you to find out everything you know about this name "the king said as he handed the scroll to him,

" this name sounds familiar, but I can not put a pin on where I had heard it "Gatheb said as he made a thinking face, the king just looked at his royal consort and nodded, even him found the name very familiar, but can not put a pin point where he had heard the name.

" it doesn't matter "," find out anything you know about it , and report to me in the next two days" he said as he....

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