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Queenyy's Books(3)

The replacement wife

The replacement wife

"How many times do I have to tell you to mind your own business and not touch things inside my house?" he shouted angrily, accompanied by him clumsy fall on the table I had just bought. I immediately placed my hand on my chest as I felt its rapid beating due to the anxiety I'm feeling now. "I just wanted to tidy up—" "Shut up! Tidy up what? Are you saying you want to erase every memory of my wife in this house?" he yelled at me in anger. I quickly hid my trembling hands behind my back and took a deep breath before looking him directly in the eyes. "No... why would I do that—" "Because you want to replace her!" he yelled again, stopping me in my tracks. Replace her? How could I replace her? I gulped and took another deep breath before locking eyes with her once more. "Hannah is dead." Three words that infuriated her even more, and she slapped me hard, causing me to stagger and lean against the wall, clutching my neck tightly. "What!?" I could see the intense anger in his eyes. "H-Hannah is dead. So, m-move on," I stuttered, and because of what I said, I received another harsh slap from him. I also felt her grip on my neck tighten. "So, the truth comes out! You really want to replace her!" I saw the deep disappointment in his eyes. "You haven't changed. You're still the person who begged in front of my house four years ago," he said with disgust before letting me go. "I'm your wife now." I didn't know where I found the courage to say that to her face. "But my heart belongs to her only. I don't even like nor love you." "But my heart belongs to her only. I don't even like nor love you." "My heart belongs to her only." "I don't even like nor love you." "Like nor love you." "Love you." "Love you." I quickly looked up to stop my tears, but they fell freely, and I couldn't stop my small sobbing. It hurt so much, like my heart was being crushed gently. he turned away from me when he heard me cry, and the last thing I heard was the loud slam of the door. I immediately looked at the large frame with a picture of us on our wedding day. I was smiling in it while he was a ruler's length away from me, as if he didn't want to be near me. I just hung my head and cried softly. I was startled when I heard something fall, so I quickly stood up, afraid that Hiro was the one she vented his anger on. When I left the room, I was immediately greeted by the broken vase near the stairs. That vase... it was the one I never replaced because Hannah herself made it. "What happened!?" I looked at Erren, who had just arrived. I quickly looked at my son, who was crying by the broken vase. I saw Erren's gaze fixed on Hiro, and when he saw the broken vase made by Hannah, he angrily grabbed Hiro by the shoulders. "Do you know how important that thing is?!" he yelled, making the child cry even harder. "E-Erren," I tried to stop him, but he didn't pay any attention to me and held Hiro even tighter. "Don't you f*ck*ng cry in front of me!" he said angrily. "I-I'm sorry, Daddy," my child, now crying quietly, said. I slowly approached them because I felt sorry for my child. "Don't call me Daddy!" "I-It's enough, Erren!" "I-I'm sorry, Sir..." I quickly took Hiro from him, and the child hugged me tightly while crying softly on my chest. I felt sorry for my child. Why did he have to experience this? "Can you please be more sensitive, Erren? He's just three years old!" I yelled at him in anger. "But he broke the vase Hannah made herself," he said in a daze. I just shook my head and carried my child, who was crying softly and hugging me tightly. "Not just that vase was broken and lost tonight, Erren... but also your son." I said meaningfully before he turned away. Just what have I done in the past to experience this situation, to be a duplicate of my twin sister Maria Hannah Beunavista, and to be the wife of the cold-hearted bastard, Marc Erren Beunavista? I am Maria Hanni Ramos Beunavista, and this is my story.