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The replacement wife

The replacement wife



"How many times do I have to tell you to mind your own business and not touch things inside my house?" he shouted angrily, accompanied by him clumsy fall on the table I had just bought. I immediately placed my hand on my chest as I felt its rapid beating due to the anxiety I'm feeling now. "I just wanted to tidy up—" "Shut up! Tidy up what? Are you saying you want to erase every memory of my wife in this house?" he yelled at me in anger. I quickly hid my trembling hands behind my back and took a deep breath before looking him directly in the eyes. "No... why would I do that—" "Because you want to replace her!" he yelled again, stopping me in my tracks. Replace her? How could I replace her? I gulped and took another deep breath before locking eyes with her once more. "Hannah is dead." Three words that infuriated her even more, and she slapped me hard, causing me to stagger and lean against the wall, clutching my neck tightly. "What!?" I could see the intense anger in his eyes. "H-Hannah is dead. So, m-move on," I stuttered, and because of what I said, I received another harsh slap from him. I also felt her grip on my neck tighten. "So, the truth comes out! You really want to replace her!" I saw the deep disappointment in his eyes. "You haven't changed. You're still the person who begged in front of my house four years ago," he said with disgust before letting me go. "I'm your wife now." I didn't know where I found the courage to say that to her face. "But my heart belongs to her only. I don't even like nor love you." "But my heart belongs to her only. I don't even like nor love you." "My heart belongs to her only." "I don't even like nor love you." "Like nor love you." "Love you." "Love you." I quickly looked up to stop my tears, but they fell freely, and I couldn't stop my small sobbing. It hurt so much, like my heart was being crushed gently. he turned away from me when he heard me cry, and the last thing I heard was the loud slam of the door. I immediately looked at the large frame with a picture of us on our wedding day. I was smiling in it while he was a ruler's length away from me, as if he didn't want to be near me. I just hung my head and cried softly. I was startled when I heard something fall, so I quickly stood up, afraid that Hiro was the one she vented his anger on. When I left the room, I was immediately greeted by the broken vase near the stairs. That vase... it was the one I never replaced because Hannah herself made it. "What happened!?" I looked at Erren, who had just arrived. I quickly looked at my son, who was crying by the broken vase. I saw Erren's gaze fixed on Hiro, and when he saw the broken vase made by Hannah, he angrily grabbed Hiro by the shoulders. "Do you know how important that thing is?!" he yelled, making the child cry even harder. "E-Erren," I tried to stop him, but he didn't pay any attention to me and held Hiro even tighter. "Don't you f*ck*ng cry in front of me!" he said angrily. "I-I'm sorry, Daddy," my child, now crying quietly, said. I slowly approached them because I felt sorry for my child. "Don't call me Daddy!" "I-It's enough, Erren!" "I-I'm sorry, Sir..." I quickly took Hiro from him, and the child hugged me tightly while crying softly on my chest. I felt sorry for my child. Why did he have to experience this? "Can you please be more sensitive, Erren? He's just three years old!" I yelled at him in anger. "But he broke the vase Hannah made herself," he said in a daze. I just shook my head and carried my child, who was crying softly and hugging me tightly. "Not just that vase was broken and lost tonight, Erren... but also your son." I said meaningfully before he turned away. Just what have I done in the past to experience this situation, to be a duplicate of my twin sister Maria Hannah Beunavista, and to be the wife of the cold-hearted bastard, Marc Erren Beunavista? I am Maria Hanni Ramos Beunavista, and this is my story.

Chapter 1 1

"b-baby..." Erren sobbed as he said, "I-I'm sorry for separating you from my m-mommy," tears streaming down his face as he continued to perform CPR on Hiro.

"I love you so much, baby," he cried, and tears welled up in my eyes too.

"Please wake up," he said, his voice desperate, as he performed mouth-to-mouth on our child once more.

"h-ha," Hiro gasped, and I saw water spilling from his mouth.

"Damn it," Erren cried, holding Hiro tightly in his arms, who was now crying too.

"I thought I was going to lose you," Erren sobbed, embracing Hiro tightly, and I breathed a sigh of relief, feeling tears of joy myself.

I thought so too...

"m-mommy," Hiro weakly uttered, looking at me.

They quickly approached, and Erren swiftly untied me from the chair. Once I was free, I hugged them both tightly.

I couldn't bear to lose either of them.

"shh," Erren gently said, trying to calm me, while Hiro also cried in my arms.

"I-I love you," I said with a smile to both of them.

"I love you too, mommy and daddy," Hiro replied, and we hugged him tightly.

"Oh damn it!" a sudden shout from someone entering the room.

Behind him were police officers.

"We've got Savy Miller already," Fierce said, looking at us. He had a mini microphone and listening device they used for covert communication.

I frowned, not understanding him, as he had been talking to himself for a while now.

But I still managed to smile and express my gratitude.

I saw Kean furrowing his brow as he looked at my injuries and the soaked father and son.

"Harry, give magic to the guys at the back of this warehouse. They seem to want to escape," Fierce said quickly to himself.

(A/N: Fierce had a mini microphone and listening device they used for covert communication, so others couldn't hear him.)

I raised an eyebrow, not understanding him, but I kept smiling at him.

We all left together, and the police now had Savy, who was struggling.

"Doraemon, bring my car. I'm going home," Fierce said, looking exhausted.

"Thank you," I said with a smile.

He smiled back at me, then looked at Kean, who was now watching him closely.

"Go ahead and follow them," Erren told Kean, and Kean took a deep breath before nodding. He kissed me and Hiro on the forehead before following Fierce.

We were about to enter the ambulance when we heard gunshots from behind. We all turned to look at the source.

But it was too late. Savy now held the gun, and I saw two police officers hit.

"If I'm going to die anyway," he said loudly, pointing the gun at me, "I'm taking you with me."

"I'll take you with me," he repeated, and he aimed the gun at me.

Erren whispered, "b-baby," before losing consciousness, and we both sat down.

I heard gunshots coming from the police officers' guns.

I saw Savy's face, filled with anger as he looked at me, full of grief and rage.

I stared back at him, at the face that looked just like mine.

And as he fell, Hiro fell too.

I saw Hiro's mouth spewing blood as he looked at me, tears in his eyes.

"m-mommy," he cried before closing his eyes.

"h-ha..ha," I didn't know what to say, as tears continued to flow while I held the two most important people in my life, bleeding and unconscious.

"What's their problem?" I wondered aloud, hoping Erren would answer, but suddenly reporters swarmed us. I heard the incessant clicking of cameras and blinding flashes of light.

"What the hell!" Erren angrily exclaimed while shielding me.

"What can you say about Savy Miller's suicide?"

"Mrs. Buenavista, are you involved in the famous international singer's suicide?"

"Is it true that you were planning to kill Savy Miller, so she took her own life to escape you?"

"What do you have to say about the international singer's suicide?"

I quickly stepped back, and Erren embraced me, protecting me from the reporters who surrounded us with their microphones in front of us.


I covered my mouth in disbelief at what they were saying.

Savy took her own life!

"Is it true that you had something to do with the death of your twin sister, Hannah Ramos?"

Both Erren and I were stunned by that question.

"Did you really kill your sister to marry the business tycoon, Mr. Erren Buenavista?"

I felt Erren let go of me.

"W-what...h-how...w-," he stammered, and as he released me, the reporters swarmed me even more, and I instinctively protected my stomach.

They bombarded me with questions, their camera flashes blinding.

"I don't know," I thought while tears welled up in my mind. "I'm innocent."

"You're just relying on nothing," she smirked, but I continued to gaze at her intently.

I knew Erren and the others would come.

They will arrive.

"They probably thought they could fool me, well, they can't," she smirked, giving me a reason to pause.

"What do you mean!?" I exclaimed, my voice trembling.

"They probably thought we were in Tagaytay," she smirked again.

"But I'm sorry for outsmarting them," she said with a sly grin, almost pitying my situation.

I glared at her in anger.

"Where is my child?" I asked urgently.

I saw her smile.

"Oh," she said.

"My gift, by the way," she said with a laugh.

"Open my gift for our guest, I almost forgot to remind you," she smirked, pointing towards me as I angrily stared at her.

I looked at the men who went to a large box wrapped in curtains.

They slowly removed it.

In those seconds, I felt my heart pounding loudly.

It was filled with fear and apprehension.

I almost lost my breath when I saw my child.

"Surprise!" she grinned.

And they clapped mischievously as if what was in front of us was something amusing.

Tears welled up in my eyes when I saw my unconscious child lying in a large glass box.

"Awaken him," Hannah said, only nodding to her men.

I nearly went berserk as the man above the box continued pouring water on my child.

"Shame on you, Hannah!" I cried, tears streaming down my face as my child continued to be drenched.

Hannah just stared at me, laughing.

"Enough!" I cried.

But they continued.

"Enough!" I shouted again, but it was as if they couldn't hear.

"P-Please!" I cried, and she just gestured to her men with a grin.

I saw and heard Hiro crying, who was now awake and standing.

He continued to hit the glass in front of him.

"M-Mommy!" I cried.

"H-Hiro," I cried again.

"Now you know what it feels like to slowly lose your child. It hurts, right, Hanni? The pain you've put me through," he angrily said, causing me to gaze at him.

"Y-You didn't lose your child," I said firmly, making him stop.

"That's why you don't know the pain I'm feeling right now," I angrily replied to him.

"What the..." he angrily muttered and slapped me hard.

"Hannah is dead," I said firmly and turned to look at him.

"I'm alive," she replied as well.

I couldn't help but laugh at her words.

Are you still going to pretend even though you've been exposed?

"No. You're not Hannah," I firmly stated and glared at her.

"Hannah won't let any of us hurt her. So, you're not Hannah," I coldly said to her.

Mitchiro and I arrived at Erren's house after nearly half an hour. I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself. "I-I can do this," I whispered to myself, noticing the worried look Mitchiro gave me.

"You need to," he softly replied, holding my hand and giving me a reassuring smile. I returned the smile before getting out of the car.

"Wait for me here," I said softly, and he hesitantly smiled, causing me to sigh with relief. "I can handle this," I assured him with a nod.

Taking a deep breath, I entered the house and was met with surprise from my brother Roi. I forced a smile and went inside, where I also surprised Sally.

"Madam," she began to approach me, but her concern turned to me as she saw Hannah sitting on the couch with a crying Hiro beside her.

"W-what..." I started to say, but turned to Manang, who was looking at me with concern. "Hija," she said, and I saw the shock in Hannah's eyes as she noticed me.

"Mommy!" Hiro suddenly exclaimed and hugged me tightly. "Hiro," I said, hugging him back tightly. "Daddy's going to take me away!" he cried out, causing me to freeze.

"He's going to take me!" he shouted again, gripping me even tighter. Fear gripped my heart at his words, and I looked at a terrified Sally.

"M-Madam," she softly said, pointing upstairs. "Sir is taking Hiro's things," she repeated.

This made me release Hiro, and I held his face, kissing his nose. "M-mommy, he's going to separate us," he cried, but I shook my head and picked him up. I could feel him hugging my neck tightly.

"I won't allow it," I firmly said, carrying him. I saw the shock in their eyes as I ran out, holding my son tightly.



They shouted, but I just shook my head and opened the door. I saw the concern in Mitchiro's eyes, but before I could enter his car, someone grabbed my arm and tried to take Hiro away from me, still crying and clinging to me.

"Hold onto Hiro!" Erren shouted, grabbing our crying child. I held onto Hiro's hand tightly, and my heart felt like it was breaking, fearing our hands would be separated.

Erren handed Hiro to Hannah. "What are you doing, Erren?" I yelled angrily, continuing to hold Hiro's hand tightly.

"I'm taking Hiro; he'll stay with Mom for now," he said firmly, holding my hand tightly.

"No!" I screamed at him.

"Well, yes, Hanni. I'm taking our child from you," he said firmly and glanced at Mitchiro, who came closer to me.

"You won't take my child away from me, Erren!" I yelled loudly and pulled my hand back, trying to retrieve it.

"It's for his own good!" he shouted angrily, but I just shook my head.

"Why?" I cried out in anger and stared at him.

"I am his mother; you can't do this to me!" I cried out again to him.

"I am his father, so I have the rights to do this!" he yelled back at me, and I almost lost my breath when I saw him enter his car with Hannah and our child, driving away.

"NO!" I cried out and chased after his car, which was quickly getting farther away, taking my child with it.

"After five years of a relationship with your sister, we decided to get married, but an accident happened. My fiancée died, and her sister, my supposed-to-be sister-in-law, is pregnant with my child," he said with a smile.

Ely smiled back and handed me over to Hiro, who held a rose.

"Mommy!" his child exclaimed with a smile, handing me the rose. I smiled and kissed the child on the nose.

🎶 I know I'll never love this way again

So I keep holding on before the good is gone 🎶

"I learned to love you. I'm thankful that I met you. Yes, I loved your sister, but I love you more than anything in this world. You're the bubble gum I'd want to stick with for life," he said with a smile before stepping down from the stage.

"I love you, baby," he softly said, and I saw that we were just a meter apart.

The lights came on, and I could hear the amazement from the crowd, especially when the Buenavista cousins appeared, each holding letters, all of them in the color blue.

"In the billions of beautiful roses, I'm proud to say that I choose to pick my sunflower. Even though she's not as lovely as a rose, she's still the most bright and amazing woman for me," Erren said with a smile.

I smiled as I saw the word formed using the letters held by the cousins: 'I love you baby.'

"Open that," he said with a smile, pointing at the blueprint.

Tears welled up in my eyes as I opened it. Inside, it read, 'Will you marry me?' I couldn't hold back my tears, especially when I saw him kneel.

"In front of our employees, business partners, board members, media, our family and friends, and in front of our son," he said, producing a small dark blue box.

He took out the ring and held it in front of me. "Allow me to be her husband," he said with a smile, presenting the ring.

I smiled and nodded before approaching him. "Yes!" Hazel suddenly shouted, making me chuckle.

"And to my lovely wife..." he said, turning to me and placing the ring in front of me.

He looked into my eyes and held out the ring. "Will you marry—" Erren's words were cut off by an audio that replaced the song 'I'll never love this way again'.

"He's such a fool."

I was nearly seated when I heard my own voice, and I saw Erren and the crowd fall into stunned silence.

"Shut up!"

No... no... no.

This is...

I held onto the rose tightly and slowly felt the pain.

"Gosh, that ring suits her. Is it my fault that she fell for me?"

I almost cursed when I heard my own voice again.

"Hanni, please!"

What the heck?

Shit, please stop.


"He's so shameless. Does he think Erren will still accept him when he finds out she's been with many men? Hahaha, disgusting."

I saw Erren stunned, staring at the ring in his hand.

Fuck, I'm done...

I thought to myself as I let go of the rose.

"Shut up! You know it's your fault she got raped!"

My tears fell at that moment, and I saw Erren more stunned and frozen.

I saw him drop the ring he was holding, causing it to fall to the ground, just like the hopes I had built over the past few months.

"These gossipmongers! You're so ugly!" she shouted again.

"Wow, Saria, you're so outspoken!" Architect Rhina yelled.

"Yeah, and don't be nosy!" Architect Terisita shouted at Saria.

"What the hell, you guys, just fight it out!" Saria yelled and pulled Rhina's hair, causing chaos.

I quickly intervened, saying, "Saria, stop it."

She was about to pull more hair when Architect Dona suddenly blocked her.

"Enough, all of you! You're acting like children!" she scolded, making us bow our heads in annoyance.

"I'm sorry, Architect," we all said in unison.

"You, stop the gossiping," she pointed at Rhina. "And you, Saria, don't engage."

I sighed, secretly smiling because Architect Dona was a better fit as our team leader compared to Georgina, who was always causing drama.

"I'm sorry," we all echoed.

That was one of our rules here - we had to know how to apologize for our mistakes.

Finally, it ended, and we all sat down together.

From: 09363520243

Hi, this is Engineer Hiro : >

I smiled and replied to him:

To: Eng. Hiro

Hello Engineer.

I continued working on my project.

"Lunchtime," Saria said, and I realized I had lost track of time. I grabbed some money and my phone and joined Saria.

I could still hear the whispers and insults from the employees here.

I sighed and we went to the cafeteria together.

"Set G," I said tiredly, noticing the old man looking at me with pity.

I sighed again as it seemed like the whole company knew about the issue between Architect Meira Alva and Erren.

I was about to scan my ID when someone else tapped theirs.

"I'll treat you," Hiro said with a smile.

I stared at him in surprise. "What are you doing here?" I asked.

He smiled and turned to the old man. "Set F," he said, scanning his ID again.

"I'm an Engineer, won't you treat me?" Saria teased.

Mitchiro blushed, probably not realizing he had cut in line. "I'll pay for her too," he said, flashing a sheepish grin.

"I'm sorry," he said apologetically to the others in line, his dimples showing.

I shook my head as it seemed the girls in line were even more smitten with him.

"Set A with a blueberry cupcake," Saria ordered and Mitchiro paid.

We all sat down together.

"What are you doing here?" I asked Mitchiro again.

He shrugged. "Don't you want me here?" he asked playfully.

I chuckled. "Well, it's not that."

"You're cute, Engineer!" Saria said, making me laugh.

"Too bad I'm married," Saria teased, making both Mitchiro and me laugh.

"You flirt," I joked, tossing a tissue at her.

"Well, I snagged my husband with my charm," she said with a grin, making us all laugh.

"So, seriously, why are you here?" I asked Mitchiro.

"Oh, I attended a meeting earlier. I'll be in charge of the new project in Marikina," he said casually.

"The five-star hotel?" Saria asked in amazement.

"Yes," Mitchiro replied with a grin.

"Who's assigned there, Saria?" I asked, curious.

"Why, are you trying to switch?" Mitchiro teased.

I just shook my head and chuckled. I saw Saria blush.

"Engineer, he's married with kids," Saria hesitated.

"How can you live with this on your conscience?" she asked insistently.

I just avoided eye contact, tears welling up, knowing that I woke up almost every day haunted by my own actions.

"How?" she demanded, grabbing my arm, forcing me to stand.

"I lost a child... lost," she whispered, tears streaming from her eyes.

"He's here, Hiro is here. Let's just forget the past," I said tearfully.

Suddenly, he slapped me, and I could hear the gasps from the people around us.

"You have a child! You lost a child! You know the pain of loss! It hurts, Hanni! Because I know I did nothing to protect my child and his mother back then!" he cried.

I was about to respond when I saw Hiro step in front of me and angrily push Erren away.

I saw Erren's gaze drop to his son, who was pushing him away with anger in his eyes.

"I hate you! You broke your promise!" Hiro shouted at his father, his voice shaking.

"You promised me that you will never make my mommy cry again!" he yelled.

I watched as Erren knelt down, gently gripping Hiro's shoulders, tears welling in his eyes.

"I'm sorry," Erren whispered, still getting yelled at by his son.

I turned my gaze away, heartbroken to see my son so angry with his father.

It hurt to hear Hiro's words directed at Erren.

"I hate you!" Hiro shouted again before running towards me and hugging my waist.

"Don't cry, mommy," he said, causing me to shed tears.

"Hanni," my father said, and I looked at him.

I could see anger, disappointment, and disdain in his eyes.

"Let's talk," he said firmly.

Tears welled up in my eyes again as I reluctantly nodded, lifting Hiro before we passed them.

I could hear the whispers of the guests and the blinding flashes of cameras as we made our way outside, where the murmurs continued.

I was surprised when someone suddenly pulled me.

"Dad," I said as he continued to pull me until we entered the garden.

It was quiet here, no one around.

"Hazel, take my grandson from your sister," my dad said firmly, making me hold onto Hiro even tighter.

"I don't want to," I said, shaking my head, especially as Hazel approached with a sympathetic look.

"Sis, give Hiro to me," she said gently and took Hiro from me.

I felt Hiro tighten his grip on my neck.

"Hiro, let's go. Grandpa and mommy need to talk," Hazel softly said.

"No!" Hiro shouted, facing Hazel.

"Hiro..." Hazel said sympathetically to her nephew.

I sighed when my parents gave me stern looks.

I knew I had to face this.

I was tired of hiding from the past.

I was tired of running from all my problems.

"H-Hiro, mommy needs to talk to grandpa," I told my son and handed him to Hazel.

"No, mommy!" he yelled and continued to reach for me.

I just shook my head and motioned for Hazel to take him.

I could still hear Hiro's cries as they disappeared from my sight.

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