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Renan Gedorio

Renan Gedorio's Books(6)

The Fake Wife

The Fake Wife

When she was forcibly dragged out of her Aunt Leonora's house by armed men, she could do nothing but scream and shout. No matter how much she struggled, she couldn't break free, especially when they covered her mouth and nose with a cloth that had a dizzying smell. Eventually, she lost consciousness. She woke up in a luxurious mansion and met the owner and the mastermind behind her kidnapping-Alted Dela Fuente-her husband. She was utterly confused about what was happening, especially when he insisted that she was Candice Dela Fuente, his deceitful wife. Anger, hatred, and disgust were all she could see in the eyes of the man standing before her. The man was very handsome, but he had an authoritative presence, and the first emotion he showed her was anger. He didn't believe anything she said. She wasn't Candice. She knew herself; her name was Aurora, and she knew she had no husband and could not have any relationship with Mr. Dela Fuente. But he refused to believe her; he wouldn't let her go or escape. She knew the man would make her suffer, but what else was new? Her whole life had been filled with hardship and mistreatment. That was nothing new to her. "You can't fool me, Candice, not again," Mr. Dela Fuente told her through gritted teeth. The blazing anger in his eyes was proof that he would never let her go. How could he believe her when she looked exactly like his wife, Candice? Every angle, eye, nose, shape of the face, even their body, looked like a xerox copy. "You're my wife." That statement made her feel overwhelmed. Wife? Impossible, yet something pushed her to pretend to be his wife. She had many reasons to impersonate Candice. Those reasons urged her to assume Candice's identity, borrow her persona, and escape her own as Aurora Sandoval. She was not his wife... she was not Candice. Life had not been fair in her past, so maybe she could be his fake wife and pretend to be Candice for a while. She was Aurora, and she would become Candice, the lost wife of the rich and well-known Alted Dela Fuente.
You Are Just A Mistake

You Are Just A Mistake

"You are not my child. "You don't belong in this family! "trash!" "Gross!" "What a disappointment!" "Ugly and trash!" "You're disgusting!" "You don't belong in this school, b*tch!" I let out a deep sigh as I recalled the hurtful words they hurled at me. Whether at home or school, it was the same—nothing but pain was brought upon me. "Why is the world so unfair to me?" This was the question I always asked God. Why was I born into this world only to suffer? All I wanted was to be loved—to be happy—so why does it seem like everything is denied to me? I don't understand why it feels like the world is playing a cruel trick on me, intentionally keeping me from getting what I desire. I sighed again. "I hope in my next life, I will be happy." I forced a smile, hiding the deep pain that lingered within me. I could never have imagined that everyone would be so cruel to me, that I would experience such hardship. I placed my hands on the concrete while gazing at the vast surroundings and the students scattered around. I had been sitting here on the railing of our school building's rooftop for some time. This is where I come whenever I'm sad or when everyone bullies me. I sighed once more and looked up at the sky. "Lord, was I a bad person in my past life? Because the world is so cruel to me." Was I truly bad? Or is it just the people around me who are? No one treated me well. Everyone hates me. I have no friends or even anyone I can call 'family.' Do I deserve to live in this world? I placed my hands on the concrete again to support myself as I stood up. "I'm tired of everything. I want this to end." I looked down. My knees trembled as I realized how high up I was. If I fall from here, I will surely leave this world forever. "Maybe if I die, they will be happy," I whispered sadly as I closed my eyes, recalling the faces of all those who caused me so much pain. Tears streamed from my eyes. I felt trapped in a never-ending cycle of torment, reliving the painful experiences over and over again. I've had enough. I'm tired. Maybe it's time to rest... forever. "To end this pain is to finish everything," I whispered again, opening my eyes and slowly stepping onto the edge of the railing. "Goodby—" I was about to fall when suddenly someone forcefully grabbed my hand, causing me to land on top of someone's body. I recognized the familiar scent of his perfume. I quickly stood up as I realized who it was. It's him again... The guy who became my tormentor, making my life even more miserable. "You should have just let me go. Isn't that what you—and everyone—want? For me to disappear from this world," I said lifelessly. His face remained blank, showing no emotion as he looked at me. "Tsk!" I was startled when he suddenly closed the distance between us and spoke coldly into my ear, "If you want to die, wait for me to be the one... to end your life." Then, he immediately turned his back on me. I don't know why, but a surge of intense anger suddenly welled up in my heart because of what he said. The sadness I felt moments ago was instantly replaced with rage. My face suddenly became devoid of emotion. "Oh, is that so?" I said, colder than ice, which made him stop walking. "Alright," I continued, quickly removing my heeled shoe and throwing it at him with all my might, hitting him squarely on the head. I quickly walked toward him and confronted his shocked face. "Sorry, I didn't mean to," I said, cold as ice, but dripping with sarcasm. After saying that, I picked up my shoe and swiftly turned my back on him.
Mr. President Got Me Pregnant

Mr. President Got Me Pregnant

I’m hesitant whether to knock or not on the door where the President is. I’m embarrassed by the tight red dress I’m wearing. I couldn’t refuse because if I did, they would have dragged me here by force, so I just followed what they wanted. "Should I go in or not?" I whispered to myself. I thought about the money the President’s bodyguard mentioned—1 million just to talk to me. I was shocked because I needed the money to pay for school this year. I’m entering Grade 12, and I should have saved up by now, especially since the school year is approaching. "I guess I should go in—" I was about to knock when the door suddenly opened. "Are you going to stay there or leave without your money?" he asked seriously. My eyes widened in shock as I found myself face-to-face with the President of the Philippines. He was incredibly muscular and even more handsome in person. “Ahm… I’m going in,” I said, bowing my head as I walked past him. “What do you need? What are we going to do? I can entertain you until tomorrow if 1 million is enough,” I said in rapid succession. I was nervous because it was my first time meeting him. I was lucky, but at the same time, unlucky if he planned to do something else—hopefully not. "Sit on my bed," he said, which startled me, so I quickly obeyed. Shit. He’s scary. He stood in front of me, making me even more anxious. I looked into his eyes, wondering why he was standing there. I watched as he slowly unbuttoned his shirt, never breaking eye contact with me. “W-what are you doing?” I asked, my voice trembling as I averted my gaze. I felt him move closer, so I looked up at him. His facial features were stunning. He was different, very different in person. His eyebrows were thick, and his lips were incredibly red. “Let me taste you,” he said huskily while touching my face. I froze at his words and took a step back. I didn’t expect him to say that to me. What we were about to do was wrong—it wasn’t part of the deal. I couldn’t give myself to him. “No, I don’t want to…” I said, trembling as I tried to step back, but he stopped me, and I could still feel the floor beneath me. He held my chin and then moved his hand to the side of my arm. “I want you…” I couldn’t move because if I refused now, I’d lose the 1 million, and who knows, he might even kill me for saying no. “Mr. President…” I said softly as his hand moved down to my chest. “Lie down,” he ordered in a cold tone, so I obeyed him. Our thighs were still touching, so he spread them apart, and I couldn’t control myself because of how he held my thigh, which was heating me up. “I want to taste your sweet body and lips.” “Please, Mr. President, stop this…” Even though I wanted it, I was still afraid. I could see him licking my entrance as if he were incredibly thirsty. I didn’t know where to turn because this was all so unfamiliar to me. “Ahh… Mr. Pres—” I couldn’t help but moan because of the pleasure. Mr. President, stop this, I can’t control myself. Please. I no longer recognize myself. I want my body, but my body wants him. “You taste so good…” He licked so hard, like I was the most precious dessert of his life. His tongue was out, kissing the sides of my folds. I was going crazy because I could feel something coming out. I couldn’t hold it in anymore, so I let it out, and I saw him lick it and swallow it. I was so surprised. “Move…” I did as he said, lying down properly, still in shock from what had just happened. I saw him undress, removing his pants and boxers, which made my eyes widen. He came closer and closer, making me even more anxious. He leaned on me, then removed my dress so that I was fully naked, and he kissed me hungrily. I couldn’t keep up, so I kept my mouth shut. “Move your mouth, woman. I want to taste you,” he said sternly, scaring me. I kissed him back with the same intensity, making me arch my back. His hands roamed all over my body. He stopped for a moment to look at me completely. “You’re so beautiful, damn woman,” he whispered to me. I moaned when I felt his hand rubbing my breasts, and slowly, he lowered his head to taste my peak, making me groan hard. “Ahh… woman,” he moaned. He returned to my lips, kissing me so hungrily that I couldn’t breathe, so I paused before kissing him back again. But I suddenly cried out when I felt him enter me. “Oh, your first time? Are you okay? Do you want to continue?” he whispered to me. “Yes, please…” So he moved quickly, making me moan. I didn’t know where to turn, seeing how much he was enjoying himself. Then he kissed me again, not hungrily but passionately, as if he wanted me to stay with him. Then I felt myself release, and he did too. He hugged me, and I felt him kiss the nape of my neck. He fell asleep, and I stayed there, crying, thinking about what I had done. When I woke up, I was surprised to find that I was dressed and remembered what had happened last night, something I hadn’t expected. I was still sitting in bed when I caught his.
The Mistress Of My Cousins

The Mistress Of My Cousins

"I’m done with this nonsense. I can no longer stay in this kind of setup. I’m exhausted, Kai; it’s always the same. You only come back to me when you and she fight. What am I to you? Oh yeah, I forgot, I’m only second to that cursed heart of yours. Why can’t you just choose me? What does she have that I don’t? I’m attractive, sexy, wealthy, kind, and intelligent, but with you, I feel so insignificant. I’m getting tired of this; I’m about to give up." “These are words I’ve been holding onto for a long time.” “No, Jea, you can’t be tired. Remember, you promised me that you wouldn’t leave me no matter what happens. You promised, so you need to keep that promise!” Kai said, as if it were that easy. “Kai, please don’t make this hard for me. I’m tired of being second. If you can’t love me back the way I love you, let’s just end this. I don’t want to hurt anyone else; I’m feeling guilty, Kai. I used to be obedient and kind, but because of my love for you, I defied my parents even though I knew they would be angry because you’re already married, and worse, you’re married to my cousin. Please, let’s just stop this.” I tried to make him understand our situation, even though it was difficult. “Jea, I don’t want to. I love you. I don’t know what I’d do if you left me; I’d go crazy. Please don’t do this to me,” Kai begged as he held my hand and stared deeply into my eyes, tears streaming down his face. “You love me, but you love her more, right?” I said, which silenced him. “Kai, you can’t love two people at the same time. It’s okay now, but there will come a point when you’ll need to choose one to avoid hurting the other. I’m trying not to break down even though the tears keep flowing.” “But you love me, right?”
More Than Yesterday

More Than Yesterday

Khai held onto my arm tightly as I tried to pull away, but I couldn't; he was much stronger than me, and I'm just small. His cheeks were soaked with tears, and his eyes were red. “P-Please, let me go…” I uttered, my lips trembling, and it felt like something was stuck in my throat. Why is he like this? Why won’t he let me go? “Francine... W-Why?” I could clearly see the pain and sadness on his face. “What w-why, Khai?” I asked, trying to ignore everything. “W-Why didn’t you wait for me? W-Why?” His shoulders shook, and he covered his mouth with his hand. He seemed weak. I couldn’t hold back my tears any longer, and they started to fall freely. “W-Why didn’t I wait for you? K-Khai… Do you even hear yourself? Why are you asking me that when, in the first place, you never told me I needed to wait for you?” I asked, crying. It was so unfair to me. I felt like I was being choked, struggling to breathe. I tried to pull my hand away, but he refused to let go. “Baby…” “You left me, Khai… You left me and your child… And I had no right to stop you because I respected your decision,” I said accusingly, hitting his chest. Maybe because he was weak, I was able to push him away even though he still held onto my elbow. “F-Francine…” “I had no right, Khai… None! I let you go even though… I didn’t want to… Khai… Even though I couldn’t bear to lose you… I actually did wait… I waited for you, Khai… But for two years… Two years your child and I waited! And you made it four years! A-And now… you’re telling me, blaming me for not waiting?” I asked, clenching my fist and hitting his chest. “W-What am I to you, Khai? Huh? I have no right over you, and you’re not even my boyfriend. I’m just the mother of your child… That’s the only role I have in your life, right?! You know that, don’t you?! So what right do you have to blame me?!” I shouted through my sobs. “Francine…” I wiped away my tears and still tried to pull my hand away, but he didn’t let go. “I-I got tired, Khai… I got tired of waiting without any assurance. I loved you so much that I forgot about myself… I got tired… For almost 16 years, Khai, I did nothing but love you. Imagine? 16 years of being a fool for loving you. Who wouldn’t get tired? I don’t want to risk it again; I was only 15 years old when you hurt me without knowing. Of course, your girlfriend was more important to you. Because she’s the one you loved. And when we had a child? I thought I finally had a chance, but still, there was none… Everything just became more complicated. You still had a reason to leave me,” I said in a long, accusing tone, and at that moment, he finally let go of me. He rubbed his face, and his shoulders shook. “Why did you come back now when we can’t be together anymore? I’m already married and have moved on. I’m happy with my husband now and with our child. I hope you are too… You can still be with our child. Just focus on him and love Zaidyx.” After saying those words, I simply turned away, ready to leave. “Francine… If I could turn back time… Would you still wait for me?” he asked softly, making me stop in my tracks. “What’s the point of waiting if I’m just going to get hurt again, Khai?” I asked him in return. “Francine, baby…” I closed my eyes as my chest tightened, and my tears fell rapidly. My hands and legs trembled. “I’m sorry,” that was the last thing I said before I finally left him there. I could still hear his loud sobs. No more… We can’t go back to the past, Khai. Because everything is over, even though we never really started. You chose to let me go, and I did the same after 16 years of loving you. I’m just tired, and I need a long break.