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You Are Just A Mistake

You Are Just A Mistake

Renan Gedorio


"You are not my child. "You don't belong in this family! "trash!" "Gross!" "What a disappointment!" "Ugly and trash!" "You're disgusting!" "You don't belong in this school, b*tch!" I let out a deep sigh as I recalled the hurtful words they hurled at me. Whether at home or school, it was the same-nothing but pain was brought upon me. "Why is the world so unfair to me?" This was the question I always asked God. Why was I born into this world only to suffer? All I wanted was to be loved-to be happy-so why does it seem like everything is denied to me? I don't understand why it feels like the world is playing a cruel trick on me, intentionally keeping me from getting what I desire. I sighed again. "I hope in my next life, I will be happy." I forced a smile, hiding the deep pain that lingered within me. I could never have imagined that everyone would be so cruel to me, that I would experience such hardship. I placed my hands on the concrete while gazing at the vast surroundings and the students scattered around. I had been sitting here on the railing of our school building's rooftop for some time. This is where I come whenever I'm sad or when everyone bullies me. I sighed once more and looked up at the sky. "Lord, was I a bad person in my past life? Because the world is so cruel to me." Was I truly bad? Or is it just the people around me who are? No one treated me well. Everyone hates me. I have no friends or even anyone I can call 'family.' Do I deserve to live in this world? I placed my hands on the concrete again to support myself as I stood up. "I'm tired of everything. I want this to end." I looked down. My knees trembled as I realized how high up I was. If I fall from here, I will surely leave this world forever. "Maybe if I die, they will be happy," I whispered sadly as I closed my eyes, recalling the faces of all those who caused me so much pain. Tears streamed from my eyes. I felt trapped in a never-ending cycle of torment, reliving the painful experiences over and over again. I've had enough. I'm tired. Maybe it's time to rest... forever. "To end this pain is to finish everything," I whispered again, opening my eyes and slowly stepping onto the edge of the railing. "Goodby-" I was about to fall when suddenly someone forcefully grabbed my hand, causing me to land on top of someone's body. I recognized the familiar scent of his perfume. I quickly stood up as I realized who it was. It's him again... The guy who became my tormentor, making my life even more miserable. "You should have just let me go. Isn't that what you-and everyone-want? For me to disappear from this world," I said lifelessly. His face remained blank, showing no emotion as he looked at me. "Tsk!" I was startled when he suddenly closed the distance between us and spoke coldly into my ear, "If you want to die, wait for me to be the one... to end your life." Then, he immediately turned his back on me. I don't know why, but a surge of intense anger suddenly welled up in my heart because of what he said. The sadness I felt moments ago was instantly replaced with rage. My face suddenly became devoid of emotion. "Oh, is that so?" I said, colder than ice, which made him stop walking. "Alright," I continued, quickly removing my heeled shoe and throwing it at him with all my might, hitting him squarely on the head. I quickly walked toward him and confronted his shocked face. "Sorry, I didn't mean to," I said, cold as ice, but dripping with sarcasm. After saying that, I picked up my shoe and swiftly turned my back on him.

Chapter 1 The classroom

Chapter 1

Namida's POV

"You're too early for the next subject."

Even before I could enter the classroom, our teacher's face greeted me. Whispers began to fill the room again.

I looked down in embarrassment. This wasn't the first time I was late. Not just once, twice, but almost always. Every day seemed unlucky for me. Well, I'm used to it.

"S-sorry, ma'am."

Instead of saying anything, she just turned her back on me. "Make sure, Ms. Navarro, that you won't be late for my class again, or I won't let you in anymore. Take your seat."

"Y-yes, ma'am," I responded with my head down and started walking toward my seat.

I hadn't even made it there when I suddenly tripped and fell to the floor.

Loud laughter erupted around me.

I expected this. Not a day goes by when they don't gang up on me.

"Serves you right! You're such an idiot!" I heard someone say.

I bit my lower lip as I felt the pain in my body. They always hurt me both physically and emotionally. Well, I'm used to it. Hearing their laughter while suffering in pain, I'm used to it.

"Silence!" our teacher scolded them, but they didn't care and continued laughing.

I quickly stood up and faced the guy who tripped me. Jerome Lee Chavez-one of the bullies on this campus.

I walked toward him. Instead of retaliating, I just smiled, which made him stop laughing.

"Sorry, I won't be so clumsy next time," I said with a smile.

But as I turned away, my smile quickly faded and was replaced by a bitter one. I'm used to this.

I could still feel their disgusted looks as I sat down, but I ignored them and pretended to write something. Pretending not to care, but inside, I was hurting. This is me, good at pretending. I've learned to pretend that nothing happened every time they make fun of me.

Crying in front of them, in front of bullies, is something I've never done. It's just that... I don't want to show or let them know how weak I am.

"Excuse me, is Namida Sloane Navarro here?" I looked up when I heard my name from outside.

I saw a guy standing there. Ethan James Jimenez-the SSG president.

I stood up, and he immediately noticed me.

He stared at me for a few seconds before speaking. "Ah, the Dean wants to talk to you," he then turned to our teacher, "may I excuse her for a while, ma'am?"

"Okay, go ahead."

I started walking out, but before I reached the door, the whispers inside the room began again.

"Maybe the Dean wants to get rid of trash in this school. HAHA!"

"For sure, she's going to get scolded again."

"Argh! I really hate her!"

"She should be expelled from this school!"

"Yeah, I agree, she doesn't belong here!"

I just bowed my head because of what I heard and continued walking.

"Don't mind them," I heard Ethan say.

This was the first time he had spoken to me, and I could see the pity in his eyes. He's the SSG president, but he can't do anything to stop them, even the teachers are afraid to scold any of them. They just pretend not to care because, like me, they are powerless. Sometimes, I can't help but regret why I even enrolled in this school.

"Don't worry, the Dean just wants to talk to you. He won't harm you," he said after a while as we neared the Dean's office.

I just nodded. Maybe the Dean knows everything, but like them, he did nothing.

"We're here. I'm sorry, but I can't accompany you inside." His eyes were filled with sadness as he looked at me.

I wanted to tell him that it was 'okay,' but I chose not to say anything. Instead, I just smiled at him, assuring him that it's fine.

He smiled back. "Okay then, see you around, Nami," he said and started to walk away.

He seems kind, but I can't trust him. I trust no one on this campus but myself.

"Come in," I heard the Dean say from inside after I knocked.

"Good morning, Dean," I greeted him politely as I opened the door.

"Good morning, please take a seat," he replied formally.

I swallowed nervously. I didn't know why he had called me here.

"Someone reported you to me again," he began, causing me to look at him.

"Yesterday, someone caught you stealing money from Ms. Rodriguez's bag. Is that true?"

I clenched my fists. They're at it again, accusing me of something I would never do.

Isn't there a CCTV here to check the truth before making accusations?

"That's not true, Dean," I said, telling the truth.

He sighed. "I understand your situation, Ms. Navarro. But I just want to remind you that this is not the first time I've received complaints about you," he said seriously.

"P-please forgive me, Dean, but I would never do such a thing. I could never steal-" He cut me off.

"Do you think I'll believe your excuses again, Ms. Navarro? I already know you. You're good at making excuses. You won't fool me this time," he said impatiently.

I just lowered my head. My fists clenched as I tried to hold back tears. Even if I tell the truth, they won't believe me.

He sighed again. "I'll let this pass, Ms. Navarro, but..." he trailed off and clasped his hands together. "Make sure this doesn't happen again," he added as he leaned back in his swiveling chair. "It would be a shame to waste your scholarship if you throw away this opportunity. Don't disappoint me again, Ms. Navarro, considering you're the top student in your class."

I kept my head down as I listened to him. Unable to defend myself. What can I do? They won't believe me anyway.

A few seconds of silence passed before the door opened, and one of the girls who made my life miserable at this school entered. Natasha Lyrine Rodriguez-the granddaughter of Dean Randolf Rodriguez.

"Good morning, Grandpa." She greeted the Dean with a smile, but it quickly faded when she saw me. I saw her smirk.

"You can leave now, Ms. Navarro."

As soon as the Dean said that, I stood up and started toward the door, but I hadn't even reached it when I was stopped by his final words.

"Oh, just a reminder, Ms. Navarro, this is your last chance. If you do something wrong again, I'm sorry, but I won't hesitate to expel you."

Expel. The word I fear because my future depends on this school. What will I do if I get expelled? I worked hard to get a scholarship just to enter this university and continue my studies, but it will all be ruined by people I can't even fight against.

"They're so cruel," I sadly whispered.

My shoulders slumped as I made my way back to our classroom. What should I do? They're accusing me without even finding out the truth. They hurt me without even thinking about how I feel.

When it's about me, they're quick to report it just to get me expelled, but when it comes to their bullying, no one even reports it to stop them. What kind of school is this? What kind of people are they? Why are they doing this to me?

I continued walking when I suddenly bumped into someone. I looked up but immediately bowed my head when I saw those gray eyes staring blankly at me.

It's him.

The son of the owner of this school. The guy who caused all the misery I've been through. The one who turned my life into a living hell at this school.

"Are you blind?! Or are you just pretending to be blind? Can't you see that someone is walking?" he said coldly, with a hint of irritation.

"S-sorry," I apologized nervously.

It's been a week since what happened on the rooftop. He didn't retaliate. He didn't do anything to me, so now I'm scared because I've noticed that this guy seems to be watching me. What could he be planning?

I saw his jaw clench. "You know, I'm getting tired of your ugly face," he said in an irritated tone, smirking at me. "It's disgusting to see trash like you wandering around this school."

Instead of getting upset by what he said, I pretended not to care. I needed to control myself because I didn't want any more trouble, or who knows what he might do to me next.

Slowly, I raised my head and met his furious gaze.

I smiled at him. "Sorry again," I replied and immediately walked past him.

But before I could take a few steps, he suddenly grabbed me forcefully.

"Your life will always be a living hell because I am your greatest nightmare," he said coldly, his eyes glaring at me. He tightened his grip on my arm and spoke again. "I won't let you live a happy life. Always remember that," he said coldly before roughly letting go of me.

I couldn't stop a tear from falling as I watched his figure walk away.

His words were like daggers to my heart...

'Why do you hate me so much? I've done nothing to you. Why are you doing this to me, Winston Blake?'

To Be Continued...

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