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Roland stories

Roland stories's Books(3)



💎MY KNIGHT IN SHINNING I was walking along the street I was so memorised by the beauty of the street, that I didn't notice a vehicle was coming towards my direction Then I Felt someone pushed me off the road and I landed on the other side with the person on me He stood up and pulled me up “Watch where you are going Next time ”he said to me while dusting sand off his body I couldn't reply him because I was so mesmerized by his handsomeness ,he had this face that can make a girl go crazy I have never seen any as handsome as this guy He had blue eyes and lashes like a girl, I was about to touch his face when I heard a beeping sound It was my stupid alarm I switched it off and stood Up from the bed It was a dream but why did it seem so real I entered into my bathroom and brushed my teeth, took my bath and dried my body . I went to my closet and picked up my new uniform Actually I was starting as a new student in snt Nokas High school The uniform was a blue skirt and white shirt and it would look perfect on me I wore my uniform and packed my blonde hair into a bun I came out of my room and went to the dinning room Breakfast was already served by the maids so I are it hurriedly My driver was already waiting for me "Good morning Lucas"I said and entered the car "Good morning "He said and entered the car and drove off Let me introduce myself My name is Isabella Smith but people call me Bella I'm a new girl in town I'm 16 years old and the only surviving child of mom and dad My twin younger sisters died to a strange ailment and that's why we moved out of our old house to this new house where I have no friends I missed my best friend Emily We attended the same high school in my old house We were just like Romeo and Juliet Even though we were girls We do mostly everything together and are seen in the same place a the same time "Bella we are here "My driver said "Thanks Lucas "I replied him and came out of the car I looked around my surroundings The school is very big and beautiful I took my school map and located the way to my class I got to a class which I was believed was my class I sighed I was scared I didn't know if I can make new friends here I took up courage and entered the class A woman was teaching when I entered the class but upon seeing me she paused "You are a new student right"She asked "Yes Ma"I replied "Introduce yourself to the class"she told me I turned to the class shyly seeing new faces do scare me "Hi everyone my name is Isabella Smith "I said to everyone "Welcome Isabella go and find a sit to sit down "She said I remembered my sit number was 56 so I looked for sit 56 and I sat down The lecture continued Then I felt something tickling my ear and I slapped my ear I concentrated on what the teacher was teaching and again I felt that tickling feeling in my ear and I slapped my ear again I heard soft chuckles behind me and I turned and a girl and two boys laughing behind me Then I realized they were they are the ones using something to tickle my ear I faced the teacher again and continued listening to what she was teaching and again I felt something in my ear I turned with an angry look "What's wrong with you guys '?I asked them "What's wrong with you guys "The girl who I later found out to be Suzy mimicked me "You are a newbie here so you have to respect yourself "One of the guys said "Suzy, Fred, Eric can you guys just stop disturbing the new girl"I heard a familiar voice say and I turned and saw that it's that same guy in my dreams I thought I was dreaming The three of them stopped disturbing me and I was relieved all thanks to my knight This is the second time he is saving me I continued listening to the teacher she was teaching Biology which happens to be my favorite subject After 30 minutes she left the class I brought out my notes to write I didn't have anyone to lend me notes to copy so I decided to keep my note in my bag "I can lend you mine "I heard someone say beside me "Thank you "I said and collected her notes "My name is Becca"She introduced herself "I'm Isabella, but you can call me Bella "I told her "Nice meeting you Bella "She replied "The pleasure is all mine "I replied her I was writing my notes when I remembered that handsome guy I turned back and saw him using headphones in the class He was even more handsome in real life "He is very cute"Becca asked me jerking out of my thoughts "Who is he"I asked her "His name is Chris, he's the school most handsome guy and not to forget he is feared by everyone because his father is one of the investors in school"She asked "Wow, does he have a girlfriend "I asked her "I've not seen any girl with him so I don't know about that "She replied Just then the bell for lunch break was rang "Come let me show