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Royal's Write

Royal's Write's Book(1)

Separated [ Finding Path ]

Separated [ Finding Path ]

Fate! Many people has tens to battle him but they ended up been knocked down without strength to stand. Humans are nothing without fate. Right from his birth. Nature beat him to the steps of fate. He was nurtured by an Ex solider whom trained him with an iron hand where to trust becomes taboo, love a crime to die for. Revenge was the day beat in his mind. But nobody fights fate and prevail. Things turned when fate payed him a visit. Living with an old grandma. Things turn out to became different. Been an iron blade, bending him became something hard. To love and trust was a hard nut to crack. But nature proved equal at all time, he bended the iron as if it was a metal. Only the tear of the old woman was able to bend the iron hearted and he turned to be living opposite the way he was brought up. Humility took the best of him. His guitar his confidants. Though the heart was melted, loving was hard for him. He lived without loving anyone except his old woman. Love was a difficult thing for him to get acquainted to, quietness and calmness took the best of his roaring heart. When fate visit a man. He deals with him till the end. Fate again got him stocked with a mermaid. Yeah a mermaid because her beauty is beyond comprehension. She was birth with gold eyes. Loved and cherish by his Father. She turned coldheart towards men because of the death of her mother. Loving men became difficult for her. She became hot tempered to was men entirely, something that became uncontrollable when she clocked fifteen. What do you think will happen when the flame Mets the ice ? Destiny should be best judge!