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Separated [ Finding Path ]

Separated [ Finding Path ]

Royal's Write


Fate! Many people has tens to battle him but they ended up been knocked down without strength to stand. Humans are nothing without fate. Right from his birth. Nature beat him to the steps of fate. He was nurtured by an Ex solider whom trained him with an iron hand where to trust becomes taboo, love a crime to die for. Revenge was the day beat in his mind. But nobody fights fate and prevail. Things turned when fate payed him a visit. Living with an old grandma. Things turn out to became different. Been an iron blade, bending him became something hard. To love and trust was a hard nut to crack. But nature proved equal at all time, he bended the iron as if it was a metal. Only the tear of the old woman was able to bend the iron hearted and he turned to be living opposite the way he was brought up. Humility took the best of him. His guitar his confidants. Though the heart was melted, loving was hard for him. He lived without loving anyone except his old woman. Love was a difficult thing for him to get acquainted to, quietness and calmness took the best of his roaring heart. When fate visit a man. He deals with him till the end. Fate again got him stocked with a mermaid. Yeah a mermaid because her beauty is beyond comprehension. She was birth with gold eyes. Loved and cherish by his Father. She turned coldheart towards men because of the death of her mother. Loving men became difficult for her. She became hot tempered to was men entirely, something that became uncontrollable when she clocked fifteen. What do you think will happen when the flame Mets the ice ? Destiny should be best judge!







โœจ STEPHANIE'S view โœจ

Background description: One can see a beautiful human goddess. Walking in a cool environment that seem like a institution. Students as well flock around as well. She walk gently with her two armed ladies behind her.

Her body got stroked by one of the students hovering around and she landed a heavy slap on him.

โ€œ You must be very stupid. How dare you struck me that your fluty body? Are you mad? Or sometime?........โ€ I shouted at the dumb boy with do much anger in my voice.

'โ€œ Am sorry but.............โ€ He tried to talk

[ She landed Another slap on him ] Am talking and you are talking. Just look at this stupid fool.

She landed another hot slap on him and he felled on the floor messing his well dressed attire. I hissed and walked away heading to my class.

โ€œ Can you imagine that Low life........โ€ I munched to myself as I boil in anger. This is actually my first time been in this very institution. I just wonder why he choose messing my mood. Gosh!!

I head straight to my class and immediately I entered the noisy classroom turned into a graveyard.

Better for them because I don't stay in a noisy environment. Gosh the students here irritates. I just sat down on one well furnished seat and I pull off on ear plug and then increase the music volume.

Ouch! Pardon my Manners

My name is Stephanie Barlon.

The only daughter of Mr. Barlon.

The richest business tycoon in the country.

You could imagine his riches and fame.

He is the second richest business tycoon in the world of Europe. My dad loves me so much that he love even the ground I steps my foot on. I have a very stubborn elder brother by name Kester.

My mom is late by my dad has another wife whom is my step mom. She bears Mrs. Beatrice.

She is the best world doctor.

Am very intelligent.

Presently am the second world best science student and my school is the best school in the whole of Europe. Well you wanna know who is the first find that out yourself.

Not quite long. One other foolish boy walked up to me and ask me to get up from the seat am seated.

โ€œ Young Miss, this seat is mine you can find yourself another one behind there โ€ The Foolish idiot said and I stare at him with so much disgust.

Pigs without manners. I just did as if I didn't hear him speak. Am holding myself so hard because if I should touch him his colour will definitely change so something else.

โ€œ I said you should.........

โ€œ Get lost fool.......โ€ I cut him off. I could hear murmur from the corners of the classroom but who cares. I wasn't even looking at the stupid boy. You can believe that the idiot stood still beside me. What the hell is even wrong with everyone here. Really? I looked at his feet and he weren't moving them the fool is probably waiting to know what I Stephanie can do to him.

'' I said that this seat.........

He tried speaking further more and I just used slap to shut him up. The whole class gap in shock.

'' How dare you raise your fluty hands on me" the stupid boy shouted at me and I felt a slight pain on my body.

I look up I then I found out that he is the President's son. Oh! Now I know what gave him the effrontery to stand and talk back at me.

โ€œ You are so dead today......โ€œ I said deep inside of me.

I tried to give him another slap but he caught my hand but I just used the left one to send him to his early grave.

What nonsense. Am so freaking out.

Gosh! what type of institution is this that fools don't know their class. Am so angry right now and I need to cool my head or else I will end up killing somebody in this dam institute.

I took my bag and left the class. Let him go to hell for all I care. To hell with him and his dam father.

Next time he will no how to address people that are above him. I came out entered my car and told my driver to drive me back home. On my way home I informed my cousin Mirabel that am not gonna be in school again.

โœจ JASPER view โœจ

Gosh!!! What manner of a bitch is this? I asked my friends as we watch a display of pride.

We are just entering the institution gate when we saw a boy mistakenly hit his body with her and she ended up slapping the hell out of the boy's body.

I was so mad at the incident. I turn to proceed to our class when my friend Leo whom has been talking although noticed what happened.

โ€œ Jack what the hell just happened over there? โ€ He asked.

'' The girl just slapped that boy over there " Jack answered pointing at the boy's directions. I wave my head in pity. Students around helped him up.

โ€œ What an unfortunate boy.......โ€ I said.

We were still talking when we heard another slap and the boy was on the floor.

'' What nonsense who is she to slap her follow student like that" I asked no one in particular and I head to met her.

''Jasper! Jasper just chill let the girl be. Jack said grabbing me by my arm.

โ€œ Why should I do that, how can she be showing that display of shame before me? I ask him in annoyance.

โ€œ Just let the girl be. I thinks she is a new student "

Jack said then let go of my hand.

โ€œ To be honest with you if not because of Jack I would have teach that girl a lesson now......โ€

Me and my friend Jack first took my girl friend Rose to her class before heading to our own Class.

We walked in and saw the same girl seating right on my personal seat. My dad brought the seat for me and all the class knows that no body not even the teachers dares to sit on that very seat.

I guess I have to do some introduction.

Well my name is JASPER. the only son of Mr Jay the present president of the country. I have a younger twin sister by name Sonia. Now you know who I am right? I walk up to the girl with a lot of pride. You know as the president son. A lot of pride follows.

I gently asked her to leave the seat for me as a gentle man but do you know what she did? She asked me to shut the hell up.

Can you imagine that?

Me Jasper the son of number one citizen in this country. I just looked at her and discovered that she is really beautiful. Prettier than even my own Rose.

I wonder how this pretty looking girl will be so rude and annoying. Maybe it because of her beauty. I just wave what she said earlier away and focus on her again.

I wanted to show her another seat behind but the girl gave me a well trained slap that everywhere went blank in my eyes.

I look at her with so much anger boiling inside me and just then again she raised her hand to slap me but I was too fast to grab it. What an insolence. Unfortunately for me before I could realize that she got two hands She just used her left hand and slap me. I just row down on the floor like a fool.

Before I could recover my vision the girl was nowhere to be found. The class was so quite as ever as even a sound of a drop of pin could be heard.

'' What a humiliation. I look at my friends with my two eyes red. I dash out from the class but she was probably gone because I met no trace of her.

I took my phone out from my pocket and called my dad. I will make sure she pays dearly for humiliating me in the class. I boil so much in anger as the phone rings.

Hello dad I said to my dad immediately he picked up the phone in a snoring manner.

โ€œ What's it son? You don't sound good is very thing alright? " He asked.

โ€œ Dad can you imagine a bitch slapped me in school today.

โ€œ Don't be ridiculous son. What do you mean by a girl slapped you? Be serious I have other things to take care of. He said.

Are you for real dad, am fucking serious. I said.

โ€œ Huh, Jasper ! You know that's not possible. Just tell me what the problem is. You are the son of number one citizen in this country don't forget that.......โ€ He said in a funny way."

Dad am dead serious. Some bitch actually did today. And trust me the humiliation I got today dad.

โ€œ And who is the bastard? He asked on his deep voice. I just smiled at myself. He is angry. His voice said it all.

I don't know her dad, she is new in my school.

''Oh she is even a new commer and she has the temerity to raise her fluty hands on my son?

Just take care of yourself self. Allow me to handle it myself, I will make sure she pays dearly for humiliating you โ€ My dad assured me and i smiled.

โ€œ I will so deal with her that she will cry and beg for my mercy......โ€













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