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aceyduck's Book(1)

The Onyx Awakening: The Earthdragon's Accord

The Onyx Awakening: The Earthdragon's Accord

Aiden didn't sign up for this. Nu-uh, not at all. He didn't want to follow Harlow in his crazy adventures that always end up with him getting into trouble. He didn't want to sneak into his school laboratory at night because his best friend dared him to do so. Aiden wanted to live his life as peacefully as possible, chill at home with his PC, read some manga and play videogames, maybe watch anime or read webtoons if he's got enough free time left but he definitely didn't sign up for this: for having to pretend to be someone he's not. If he could choose, he would've rather stayed back home in his cozy bedroom and enjoy his stupid, lonely life like a normal student but unfortunately now he's stuck here...in another world where magic and dragons exist, where kings rule kingdoms, knights fight wars and princes save princesses from evil witches or something like that. Now Aiden has to try and fit in this new environment with new people and their ways, all while keeping a secret that could get him killed and somehow manage to get back home where his life is waiting for him. 'One more world means one more adventure' right? That's what all the webtoons say. But if this is an adventure, then where are his waifus and husbandos? Where is his epic weapon and cool armor? Where is his mc power to make him succeed? Aiden thought he could handle this but little did he know, this was only the beginning, mostly since the red eyes of a certain dragon have fallen upon him.