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sutzy's Book(1)

Entangled with the Mafia Boss

Entangled with the Mafia Boss

Raymond Estaban is one of the most successful and merciless don in the American Mafia associates. He was taken into the care of his uncle at a very young age after he lost his Mum. He was raised with no love and emotions. After his uncle's death, he succeeded him as a tough and rugged Mafia. He was feared and respected by all. Raymond grew without the love of a mother. His childhood was with guns and gangsters. His uncle Victor once told him "You have to struggle for power or be killed by those with it." He became a cold hearted murderer with little morals. An unforgiving gangster that would shoot a bullet through the brains of his enemy without remorse. To up his game he'd completely forbidden love for himself. Ashley Williams is a beautiful young woman. After completing her education in Italy, She came home to meet her father's demise. An unknown informant had told her that he was killed by Raymond Estaban. This has left her devastated as she was hoping to bond better with her father. Their relationship had deteriorated after her mother's death. He became reckless and only spent time in his gambling house. The need for security became necessitous as he was always making enemies. It was with this reason that he sent his only daughter off to Italy. Ashley swore to avenge her father's death. She knew he wasn't the pinnacle of father's but he didn't deserve such a gruesome death. Their complicated story starts when Raymond almost killed her boss who was in debt to him but she offered herself as his slave in exchange. The first glimpse Raymond had of her left him in utter awe. She struck him dumb and he immediately knew she was there for a reason. After his findings, he discovered his mystery woman was on to him for revenge. The irony of their situation was that he didn't kill her father. Although he agreed to being her master only because he wanted her as his sex slave. Turns out his rival group Marcus king who was responsible for her father's death wanted to do the same with her or worse, make her his sex slave claiming her father was on his debtors list. Raymond decided to marry her to lay his claims and most importantly, protect her. Their difficult bond begins to blossom when Raymond desires more than just sex from her, resulting in a tangling love affair. His anguish heightens as he realizes she's beginning to affect his emotions and work.