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Entangled with the Mafia Boss

Entangled with the Mafia Boss



Raymond Estaban is one of the most successful and merciless don in the American Mafia associates. He was taken into the care of his uncle at a very young age after he lost his Mum. He was raised with no love and emotions. After his uncle's death, he succeeded him as a tough and rugged Mafia. He was feared and respected by all. Raymond grew without the love of a mother. His childhood was with guns and gangsters. His uncle Victor once told him "You have to struggle for power or be killed by those with it." He became a cold hearted murderer with little morals. An unforgiving gangster that would shoot a bullet through the brains of his enemy without remorse. To up his game he'd completely forbidden love for himself. Ashley Williams is a beautiful young woman. After completing her education in Italy, She came home to meet her father's demise. An unknown informant had told her that he was killed by Raymond Estaban. This has left her devastated as she was hoping to bond better with her father. Their relationship had deteriorated after her mother's death. He became reckless and only spent time in his gambling house. The need for security became necessitous as he was always making enemies. It was with this reason that he sent his only daughter off to Italy. Ashley swore to avenge her father's death. She knew he wasn't the pinnacle of father's but he didn't deserve such a gruesome death. Their complicated story starts when Raymond almost killed her boss who was in debt to him but she offered herself as his slave in exchange. The first glimpse Raymond had of her left him in utter awe. She struck him dumb and he immediately knew she was there for a reason. After his findings, he discovered his mystery woman was on to him for revenge. The irony of their situation was that he didn't kill her father. Although he agreed to being her master only because he wanted her as his sex slave. Turns out his rival group Marcus king who was responsible for her father's death wanted to do the same with her or worse, make her his sex slave claiming her father was on his debtors list. Raymond decided to marry her to lay his claims and most importantly, protect her. Their difficult bond begins to blossom when Raymond desires more than just sex from her, resulting in a tangling love affair. His anguish heightens as he realizes she's beginning to affect his emotions and work.

Chapter 1 Fate

Raymond's POV

These night is different. Every inch of me felt so. As a boy I'd always admired how the city lit up in the night. Thousands of light coming to life all at once to disturb the inevitable darkness.

I walked steadily under the pavement on the street of Chicago. I parked my car a few blocks away and decided to walk. Finally I got to my destination.

"Royal blue's Club" read an insanely large neon sign above the door leading to the Club. The red and blue light cast an odd glow on the strippers whining their body effortlessly. A blond haired girl with squinted eyes and make up that rather made her look ridiculous strode to me. Her steps on her high heels were clumsy and her complexion too pale. She placed her hands on my arm seductively. "What can I do for you Mister" she said in a flirting tone.

I glared hard at her. She immediately took away her hands understanding I wasn't interested. I was here for business!

Apparently the owner of the club is indebted to me. The bastard is a reckless gambler that is probably utterly broke. He has been avoiding me the past weeks but I am here to teach him what it means to cross me. I'm regarded as the most powerful don from the other seven Sicilian American mafia groups because I showed no mercy.

I scouted the crowd for my boys. I caught a glimpse of Michael making out with a brunette. Typical Michael....His attraction to women is too immense. I'd told them to be there before me and maintain a low profile until I arrived. Well here they were drinking regardlessly and in a cluster of whores.

I got to their table, cleared my throat and sat down. They quickly straightened up and dismissed the strippers. I am glad my presence produced the effect I wanted. We are here for business and I don't mix business with pleasure.

"Boss, I have confirmed it. Dalton is in the basement of the building." Michael said. He is my right hand man and basically the only person I trust in the group.

"Should we drag him out or feed him to the lions or Crocs?" James asks.

"Well we could do either but right now I need to take some shots." James poured some whiskey on the beer glass and offered it to me. I took it and gulped down the whole content, returning the glass to him for more. Alcohol was always a great blend for the kill.

I clenched my teeth, the effect of the Alcohol settling in. Dalton borrowed money from me and had the gut to challenge me by not returning it. There was nothing more repulsive to me than liars. My source tells me that he went to my rival gang to seek help. I wonder how long it will take them to realize that there's no running away from Raymond Estaban.

I looked around the club and my eyes landed on her. She had the prettiest face I'd ever seen even without a stitch of makeup. Her skin looked as soft as velvet. Her long black hair was pulled into a rubber banded ponytail that reached down to the small of her back, and she looked far too curvy for her tall frame. She wore a black skinny jeans that outlined her round hips. Though it seemed like she was probably in her mid-twenties, she looked more like a schoolgirl than someone working in a bar.

Who was this captivating gorgeous lady? And why does she affect me this much?

I watched her as she continued serving the people. She looked really fragile standing between all those sharks. Most of them were looking at her lustfully while undressing her with their eyes. Some even tried to touch her hands while she served. She looked uncomfortable.

My fury grew, I just wanted to cut their hands off with their eyeballs and feed the rest to the lions. I realized I'd spend a great deal of time staring at her and for a moment forgetting the business I had in hand.

"We need to get into action, '' I announced. "Michael and James, you both accompany me down to the basement to get the bastard. Silas and Edward you will remain here and make sure everything is under control." "Yes Boss' ' they chorused.

A tiny door led to the basement of the building. There was a concrete path that led to a room. This was obviously where he met with some of his business partners. James gave the door a loud thud angrily with his fist and the door flew wide open.

There was terror on Dalton's face as he and his two associates abruptly stood up. Michael and James wasted no time and dealt them with deadly punches. I dragged Dalton roughly out by the collar until we reached the floor of the club.

"Please let....."

He doesn't get to finish the sentence. I gave him a sharp blow at the mouth.

"I want you to send every single person out of here except the staff on duty." I said impatiently.

.....30 minutes later.....

"Please Don, do not kill me. I promise to return all of your money by the end of this month. I have a son and a daughter. They need me." He was already crying hysterically.

"You should have thought it through before going ahead to mess with me." I say. This man is irritating me. He thinks he can act all smug and high about challenging me and then pulling the family card at me when it comes to paying his dues? This idiot cheats on his wife everyday and now he's acting all righteous.

Ughh...How I hate cheaters.

Well here he is on his knees, in his own club at gunpoint.

My boys have all of the staff lying with their face to the ground.

I stand up and look at all the members. I then announce,

"You're all a witness to this, though I don't intend to kill anyone except of course you misbehave and then I wouldn't think twice before killing you."

Someone from the crowd shouts. "You're insane. Do you think you can get away from thi...."

Silas didn't let him finish. He kills him by putting a bullet to his stomach and then in his head.

"That's a good example. Now are there more rebels?" I ask.

"No?" Okay I guess the message has been understood.

Dalton was shivering."Don please I'll do anything you ask. Please don't kill me"

"Will you? Uhm how about I take your wife as my slave or your beautiful daughter." I said with an evil smile enjoying the scene.

"No please, not my daughter!!"

I punch him square on the face and hear a crack, he falls and bangs his head on the floor.

"I will be your slave" I looked up and saw her. My mystery woman.

"I'm his niece and I'll be your slave, please do not kill him."

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Entangled with the Mafia Boss

Chapter 1 Fate



Chapter 2 Dawn of reality



Chapter 3 Strip Ashley!!!



Chapter 4 Hurt and jealousy



Chapter 5 Lust and Power



Chapter 6 Pain



Chapter 7 Confrontation



Chapter 8 Escape plan



Chapter 9 The abduction



Chapter 10 Anger and regret



Chapter 11 Confrontation



Chapter 12 The Hitch



Chapter 13 The strike and escape



Chapter 14 Another dangerous Mafia Lord



Chapter 15 Marcus King



Chapter 16 The rescue



Chapter 17 Soft and gentle



Chapter 18 Heat



Chapter 19 Business



Chapter 20 Embarrassed



Chapter 21 Anna



Chapter 22 Strings attached



Chapter 23 The dinner



Chapter 24 Marry me Ashley...



Chapter 25 Desire



Chapter 26 Chit chat



Chapter 27 Lost in her own little world



Chapter 28 I will marry you



Chapter 29 Passion



Chapter 30 The flight



Chapter 31 The show



Chapter 32 Lovesick



Chapter 33 Bitter struggles of the heart



Chapter 34 The interrogation



Chapter 35 The walk outside



Chapter 36 Pleasure



Chapter 37 The dinner night



Chapter 38 A traitor



Chapter 39 Frustrated



Chapter 40 Reflection
