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theepurplebutterfly's Books(2)



Evly Royalty, the eldest daughter of the King of Odessa, found herself deeply enamored with Mshell Majesty, but their love story did not unfold as love at first sight. Instead, their affection grew gradually, and both were oblivious to its development. Their paths crossed at Crowns Academy, a boarding high school for royalty from various prestigious backgrounds, including Kings, Dukes, Viscounts, Lords, Prime Ministers, and Emperors. Mshell Majesty stood as one of the higher royals, being the second son of the Emperor of Athras, the encompassing nation to which all other kingdoms belonged. The grand nation of Athras was divided into three primary regions: Athras Central, serving as the nation's capital and housing the Emperor's residence, followed by the North with its two kingdoms, Al'done and Odessa, and lastly, the South, comprised of three significant kingdoms, Asianie, Mane's, and De'Rheal. Throughout their time at Crowns, Evly and Mshell's love blossomed beautifully, and they crafted a plan called "Winning 11" to shape their future. The plan involved reuniting eleven years after their high school days after they had established their careers, to formalize their love and commitment. Their exquisite plan also served as an inspiration to other students at the academy. However, reality can be harsh and unpredictable, as they were about to discover. After Mshell's graduation, everything seemed normal initially, but soon, changes started to unfold. They were not just a couple; they were best friends and soulmates. Being apart from each other proved to be challenging for Evly, as she had her friends around, but none could fill the void left by Mshell. Life took a different turn for Mshell as well. Attending college meant he couldn't escape his identity as the Emperor's son. It wasn't as pleasant an experience as he thought it would be. Thoughts of Evly consumed him – her presence, laughter, and smiles were etched in his mind. She had an uncanny ability to solve his problems effortlessly, and her absence left an irreplaceable gap in his life. Though he tried his best to visit, time constraints made it difficult, but their long phone calls and video chats bridged the distance, to some extent. Eventually, Evly graduated, but things were different – not necessarily better, but different. The memories of their time together flashed back to her like a kaleidoscope, while she struggled with the fear that such a profound connection might never happen again. Yet, part of her clung to the hope of "Winning 11," knowing it was only the fifth year since they parted. In a heartfelt reflection, Evly spoke of the mixed emotions she experienced, sensing that this outcome was possibly foreseen. Perhaps this was all part of the journey toward "Winning 11," as the fifth year marked only the beginning of their story.
My Boyfriend is a Vampire

My Boyfriend is a Vampire

Mal had one mission nd one mission only: to return the ermminet blood to the vampires, preserving the delicate balance between the supernatural and human worlds. However, his focus wavered when he became captivated by a particular human girl, Melanie Elsher. The allure of her presence, the way she laughed, and the sparkle in her eyes pulled him away from his original purpose and into a world of distraction. Phil, his mysterious cousin, always kept a watchful eye on Mal's actions. When he noticed Mal's growing fascination with Melanie, he knew he had to intervene. Phil had planned to retrieve the ermminet blood discreetly, setting things right without disrupting Melanie's life or the equilibrium between the two realms. However, as he embarked on his clandestine mission, unforeseen complications arose, and his actions inadvertently disrupted everything, leaving both the supernatural and human worlds in turmoil. Melanie's life had been nearly perfect before Mal's arrival. She was surrounded by caring and adorable friends, and her small, happy family brought her immense joy. However, with Mal's sudden entrance into her life, everything changed. He was a strange boy who seemingly appeared out of nowhere, bringing with him a series of unforeseen events that shattered her once-normal existence. As Mal struggled to balance his duty to the vampires with his newfound affection for Melanie, a complex web of emotions and choices entwined. Secrets were revealed, alliances formed, and dangers emerged from the shadows. Each decision made rippled through both worlds, leaving a profound impact on their intertwined destinies. In this tale of love, duty, and sacrifice, the fate of the ermminet blood, the vampires, and the human world rested in the hands of these three individuals. Their choices would determine the course of history and the very fabric of existence, as they embarked on a thrilling journey that would forever alter their lives and the world they knew.