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vickky_royals's Books(2)

My love and my heart

My love and my heart

The intense glaring contest between Savanna and Lisa seemed to freeze time for a moment, as their eyes locked in a battle of wills. Each woman's gaze conveyed a distinct and powerful message, reflecting their conflicting emotions and desires. Savanna's eyes burned with a fiery menace, radiating determination and a fierce will to stake her claim in Alex's life. There was an unwavering resolve in her gaze as if she was willing to go to any lengths to be with him. Her eyes seemed to pierce through the air, reflecting her defiance and refusal to back down. On the other side, Lisa's eyes held a mocking glint, almost as if she found amusement in the audacity of Savanna's presence. The confident tilt of her head matched the superiority that emanated from her gaze. Lisa's eyes seemed to pass a clear message to Savanna - a mix of disdain and a subtle warning that she wouldn't go down without a fight. In a swift and determined move, Savanna rolled her suitcase towards Alex's wardrobe, her intention unmistakable. She aimed to fill up the available space, symbolizing her intent to move in with him. It was a bold move, fueled by her obsession for Alex and a desire to be by his side. Yet, before she could secure her place, her arm was firmly grasped by Lisa, who pulled her back forcefully. The sudden halt left Savanna bewildered and momentarily off balance. The air crackled with tension as Lisa demanded answers from Savanna, her voice laced with a mixture of surprise, curiosity, and an underlying tone of irritation. "What the heck are you doing here? And to whom does the suitcase belong?" Lisa's words cut through the charged atmosphere, demanding an explanation for Savanna's audacious intrusion into her space. Savanna's eyes turned even more challenging, her defiance shining through. She stood her ground, determined not to be intimidated by Lisa's presence. "Isn't it obvious?" She retorted sharply, "I am moving in with Alex." Savanna's voice held a mix of confidence and defiance, emphasizing her commitment to being a part of Alex's life. Lisa's initial surprise transformed into a small, self-assured smile that cascaded across her luscious lips. It was a smile that exuded a sense of power and control. There was a glimmer in her eyes that seemed to say, 'You may try your best, but I won't easily relinquish what is mine.' The audacity of Savanna's declaration prompted Lisa to challenge her further. With a raised eyebrow and a touch of sarcasm, Lisa inquired, "Moving into my husband's room?" Her tone conveyed a mixture of disbelief and superiority as if to remind Savanna of the existing bond between her and Alex. Savanna couldn't resist interjecting, a triumphant tone coloring her voice. "Alex loved Lia, not you," she stated emphatically, hoping to undermine Lisa's position and strike a chord of doubt within her. However, Lisa's expression remained unwavering, her composure unshakable. She responded calmly but firmly, refusing to allow Savanna's words to weaken her resolve. "Regardless of that fact," Lisa retorted, her voice cutting through the tense air, "I am still his wife. And you have no reason whatsoever to walk in here and make such a decision. You had better get lost, or I will ensure that happens." The atmosphere turned even more charged as Savanna's anger and contempt for Lisa reached a boiling point. She felt a surge of regret coursing through her, lamenting the fact that Ms. Lillian, Alex's mother, had intervened to protect Lisa from Alex's wrath. In a twisted way, Savanna had secretly enjoyed the thought of Alex inflicting his torment upon Lisa, relishing in the twisted satisfaction of revenge. However, that possibility had been eradicated by Alex's deep love and respect for his mother. Now, with Lisa back in the house, Savanna's mad intention to snatch Alex away from her seemed trapped within her. The whirlwind of emotions and desires swirling within her was stifled by her vulnerable position. An internal battle raged within Savanna as she grappled with her yearning for Alex, the frustration of Lisa's presence, and the limitations imposed upon her. Lisa, fully aware of Savanna's predicament, started to gain the upper hand in this battle for Alex's affection. Savanna realized that her chances of making Alex fall in love with her, disrupting his marriage, and fulfilling her desires were rapidly diminishing. The room seemed to hold its breath as the unresolved conflicts, competing desires, and emotional complexities intertwined. It was a situation that held the potential for destruction or transformation, where love, power, and the intricate dynamics of human relationships collided. The intricate dance between these two women continued, their intentions and desires clashing amidst the ever-growing complexity of their connection to Alex. Yet, as their paths converged and diverged, one question remained unanswered: Who would ultimately triumph in the battle for Alex's heart? W
Taming his cold heart

Taming his cold heart

"You killed your own sister" his deep voice bellowed in the room. I could literally feel my legs shaking like a jellyfish. Tears welled in my eyes. I definitely didn't expect him to find out the truth so soon but he did. The way he stared at me wasn't the way he did this morning. There was no love in his eyes anymore. Just pure hatred.... hatred for me. He walked towards me slowly. I wanted to move away from him but I couldn't bring my legs to move. They were literally rooted to the ground. I could feel life leaving me each time he took a step forward to me. His eyes getting redder by the minutes. So many emotions swarm in them. Hatred...anger... darkness... anything and everything bad . Finally he got to me and before I could say anything, he grabbed my neck in a firm grip. The tears in my eyes finally fell as I struggled to breath. My legs were no longer on the ground. I was choking while hitting his arm trying to free myself. "I'll make you pay dearly for her death" he said. No..as a matter of fact, that sounded like a promise..a vow...that I am sure he will keep. ******* Lisa and Lia were twin sisters. They were literally identical. No one could differentiate one from the other not even their family. They were so close and loved each other until Lia was raped on their birthday. She blamed it on her twin sister. She hated her to her guts because she believed her twin sister planned her rape.. Lia died from poison. Who poisoned her? Still unknown Yet Lisa was blamed by everyone for her sister death. She had to serve in prison for it before being released. Things become more complicated when her sister lover and betrothed comes to marry her as planned. A cold and heartless billionaire who was feared by everyone Now she will have to take Lia place and marry him. How will things go for her when her sister lover realizes that she isn't Lia but just her twin sister?